Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Arab-Israeli Conflict Essay - 1311 Words

The Arab-Israeli Conflict The Arab Israeli conflict has gone on for many years. There have been many wars, terrorist attacks and peace treaties between Israel and the Arab countries. Through war and Treaties Israel has gained and lost alot of land. There have been 4 major wars between Israel and The Arab countries, as well as terrorist attacks. The reason for many of these attacks include land, claim of the country and anti-semitisem. Israel which is only 8,000 square miles is on the Mediterranean sea which is very good for its ports which are good for shipping and trade. The first of the wars involving the Arabs and the Israelis was the First Palestinian War which took place between 1947†¦show more content†¦In 1979 the Arab Israeli conflict took a turn for the good when Israel and Egypt Signed a peace treaty at Camp David. The treaty was a trade that Israel would Give Egypt The Sinai Peninsula and Egypt would have peace with Israel. In 1994 Yitzhak Rabin Prime Minister of Israel and Yasser Arifat head Of the Palestine Liberation Organization signed a peace treaty that Israel gave the Palistine Liberation Organization the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and Israel got peace, but after the treaty was signed there were still many terrorist attacks on Israel and November 4th 1995 Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated by a Israel man who saw that the peace treaty wasnt working and didnt believe in trading land that Israel fought for in many wars for peace that wasnt working. In 1996 Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan. Israel is currently Trying to make a treaty with Syria but It hasnt happened yet because Syria wants The Golan Hights an Israel dosent wasnt to give it to them. Since 1947 Israel has had war with many Arab countries. They have gained alot of land through war but later gave it away in peace treaties. There are many people who disagree in giving away the land. The Arab Israeli conflict has gotten alot better over the year. They were not directly involved in any wars since 1973 and they have made peace with many countries.Show MoreRelatedThe Arab-Israeli Conflict1427 Words   |  6 PagesThe Arab-Israeli dispute is among the centermost issues facing the Middle East today. The conflict itself has spawned a number of wars, myriad militant skirmishes, and several embargos, as well as a lasting peace between Israel and a number of its former opponents. The conflict today is waged primarily between Israelis and the Arab Palestinians that inhabit Israeli territory. The Arab-Israeli dispute is rooted in the separate movements of Zionism and Arab-nationalism. Zionism is an historical movementRead MoreThe Arab Israeli Conflict Essay1263 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to an apocryphal story, Pope John Paul once said that he believes there are two possible solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the realistic and the miraculous. The realistic being divine intervention, and the miraculous being a voluntary agreement by both parties. On September 13th, 1993, it looked like the miraculous had happened when the Oslo Accords were signed by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat on the White HouseRead MoreThe Arab Israeli Conflict883 Words   |  4 PagesMy chosen subteam for this negotiation is based on a Fundamentalist Christians opinion. As I had the chance to learn previously, Christians fully support the relocation of Jews in this conflict. This is because one of the main roots of the Arab-Israeli Conflict starts by  the Movement of Zionism. The Bible is interpreted by man y religions in many different ways, however the Christian Zionists belief in a series of Biblical Philosophies and Prophecies. Some of this prophecies are events that have alreadyRead MoreThe Conflict Of The Arab Israeli Conflict1420 Words   |  6 Pageswords have been devoted to the topic of Israel and the underlying causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict; all of which seek to discern the culprit and contrive a remedy. The story behind this age old conflict is, as quoted by Israeli historian Illan Pappe, â€Å"the simple but horrific story of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine† (qtd. In â€Å"The Catastrophe†). As such, thorough review of the causes behind this ethnocentric conflict is vital in understanding the tumultuous power struggle in Israel and the violentRead MoreArab Israeli Conflict 883 Words   |  4 Pages1.1 WHAT IS THE ARAB ISRAELI CONFLICT? The Arab-Israeli conflict is a hotly contested issue both in the Middle East and the broader global community.1 The modern conflict is essentially a dispute over the area known up until 1948 as Palestine, which is considered holy to all three major monotheistic religions.2 The primary parties in the conflict are Israeli (formerly Zionist) Jews and Palestinian Arabs (who are predominately Muslim).3 It is one of the unresolved problems bequeathed to the regionRead MoreThe Arab Israeli Conflict And Arab Palestinian Conflict3221 Words   |  13 PagesThe  Arab–Israeli conflict  is the political and military conflict between the nation of Israel and specific Arab countries. The Arab–Israeli conflict began in the late 19th century as a result of the rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism. The two sides have fought over land that both parties regard as their holy land. The Jews looked to reclaim the land promised to them by God after their escape from slavery in Egypt. The Arabs, who already resided on and owned the land, looked to maintain their ownershipRead MoreThe Arab Israeli Conflict Of Palestine Essay1198 Words   |  5 PagesThe Arab-Israeli conflict began in 1948, when the British Mandate over Palestine ended. Resulting in the proclamation that established the Jewish state in Eretz Israel. The conflict was a struggle between the Jewish state or Israel and the Arabs of the Middle East concerning the territory and control over Palestine. The geographical area and political status of Palestine has changed dramatically over the years, but the region as always been considered Holy Land. This Holy Land is sacred among theRead MoreThe Arab-Israeli Conflict Essays649 Words   |  3 Pages The current conflict in the Middle East between the Israeli Jews and the Palestinian Arabs has many historical roots. Several events in the history of this conflict have been very important and also have a strong connection with the current situation between the two sides. One of these important events was the Nazi Holocaust. During the Second World War the Jews were persecuted by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps. By the end of the war in 1945 6 million JewsRead MoreThe Arab-Israeli Conflict Essay1856 Words   |  8 Pages Your Name Pol 340-01 March 20, 2008 Term Paper The Arab- Israeli Conflict The Arab- Israeli Conflict is a conflict between the Arab and Jewish people in the Middle East over Israel and Palestine. This conflict has led to wars and millions of displaced people. This particular conflict has historical origins in the lives of the Arab and Jewish people. â€Å"The beginning of Zionism and the Arab-Israeli Conflict explain the basic principles of this complicated dispute†(Frankel 17)Read MoreArab-Israeli Conflict Essay1762 Words   |  8 Pages Arab-Israeli Conflict During the First World War (1914-1918), Britain met with problems concerning promises made, yet not being kept. Britain, knowing that it needed all the help it could get against the German allies, promised land to people who desperately wanted it. However, as it was revealed Britain had no intention of honouring their word. The first promise to be made was to the Arabs, in a desperate attempt to overpower one of the countries the British were

Monday, December 16, 2019

Nature good or bad Free Essays

string(49) " first parents were not left without guidelines\." This is partly because human nature can e regarded as both a source of norms of conduct or ways of life, as well as presenting obstacles or constraints on living a good life. The complex implications of such questions are also dealt with in art and literature, while the multiple branches of the Humanities together form an important domain of Inquiry Into human nature, and the question of what It Is to be human. Is It good or evil? The nature of humankind has been explored endlessly, with no definitive answers. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature good or bad or any similar topic only for you Order Now What people believe the nature of humans to be is a very personal belief. That belief s shaped by the religion they follow, the culture they grew up in, and by their life experiences. What people believe has a large elm[act on the way they live their lives. It Is the pylons of this writer that people are Inherently good. This writer’s pylons that people are Inherently good has developed gradually over time. One reason for this viewpoint is the fact that I believe we are all created in God’s image by God to serve him. If that is truly the case, then I feel that people would be inherently good, as God is. It is this writer’s belief that God would not create someone who was inherently evil. People do sin, and some people could even be considered ‘evil,’ but overall I feel that most people do try and lead a good life by being kind to others and helping those In need. Another reason for my belief Is the culture that I have grown up in. This may seem strange, since many people complain that our society is too filled with violence and other ‘bad’ things. However, the very presence of such arguments about our society shows this writer that most people do not find violence at violent programming or acts, society tells people what it rely values: love and peace. If violence did not bother people, then there would not be the debate that exists today. Therefore, the belief that people are inherently good is supported by the culture that I grew up in. The experiences that one has throughout their life also shape their belief. In my life, I have had many experiences that reinforce my belief that people are inherently good. I have seen people unselfishly helping others in many circumstances. Many people give blood to save some stranger they will never meet. A woman Just donated part of her liver to a young girl she did not know so that the girl could live. Others donate millions to feed starving children , donate their time to teach people the bible so they could have a better life. These people undergo pain to help others; with no reward for themselves other than knowing they did a good thing. When people have tragedy strike them, the community will surround them with support. One example was the earthquake in 2010 that destroyed my country people came from almost every where to help with many different things, from food to clothing to shelter. In daily life, one can usually find many examples of people helping people, I my self donate my time regularly my time to teach the bible o others to help them bring changes it sir lives and I know more than 9 millions are doing the same thing, and this has been an important factor in shaping my belief. If people were not good, then I do not feel that one would be able to find these things occurring with such frequency. But why are we in that situation where we some times have a tendency of doing ABA things? What the scientist think? SCIENTISTS are hard at work to try to find genetic causes for alcoholism, homosexuality, promiscuity, violence, other aberrant behavior, and even for death itself. Would it not e a relief to find that we are not responsible for our actions but are merely victims of biology? It is human nature to blame someone or something else for our errors. If the genes are to blame, scientists hold out the possibility of changing them, eliminating undesirable traits through genetic engineering. The recent success in mapping the entire human genome has given such aspirations new impetus. This scenario, however, is based on the premise that our genetic endowment is, indeed, the villain responsible for all our sins and errors. Have the scientific detectives found enough evidence to make a case against our genes? Obviously, the answer will profoundly affect how we see ourselves and our future. Before examining the evidence, though, a look at mankind’s origin will prove enlightening. How It All Started Most people are familiar with, or at least have heard of, the account about the fall of the first human pair, Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden. Were they made with some intrinsic defect in the genes right from the start, a sort of design flaw that predisposed them to sin and disobedience? Their Creator, Jehovah God, whose works are all perfect, proclaimed that his crowning earthly creation was â€Å"very DOD. † (Genesis 1 :31; Deuteron 32:4) As further evidence of his satisfaction with his work, he gave the first couple his blessing and instructed them to be fruitful, to fill the earth with human creatures, and to take charge of his earthly creation?hardly the actions of someone uncertain of his handiwork. ?Genesis 1:28. Regarding the creation of the first human pair, the Bible tells us: â€Å"God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created in physical appearance, for â€Å"God is a Spirit. † Noon 4:24) Rather, it means that human returns were endowed with godly qualities and a sense of morality, a conscience. (Romans 2:14, 15) They were also free moral agents, capable of weighing a matter and deciding on the action to take. However, our first parents were not left without guidelines. You read "Nature good or bad" in category "Papers" Rather, they were warned of the consequences of wrongdoing. Genesis 2:17) So the evidence indicates that when Adam was faced with a moral decision, he chose to do what to him seemed expedient or advantageous at the time. He followed his wife in her wrongdoing instead of considering his relationship with his Creator or the long-term effects of his action. He also tried later to shift the blame to Jeho vah, saying that the wife He had provided misled him. ?Genesis 3:6, 12; 1 Timothy 2:14. God’s response to the sin of Adam and Eve is revealing. He did not try to correct some ‘design flaw’ in their genes. Rather, he carried out what he told them would be the consequences of their actions, which led to their eventual death. (Genesis 3:17-19) This early history sheds much light on the nature of human behavior. The Evidence Against Biology For a long time, scientists have been tackling the monumental task of finding genetic causes and cures for human pathology and behavior. After ten years of work by six teams of researchers, the gene linked to Huntington disease was isolated, although the researchers have no idea how the gene causes the disease. However, reporting on this research, Scientific American quoted Harvard biologist Even Balkan, who said that it would be â€Å"almost infinitely harder to discover genes for behavioral disorders. † In fact, research attempting to link specific genes to human behavior has been unsuccessful. For instance, in Psychology Today, a report on efforts to find genetic causes for depression states: â€Å"Epidemiological data on the major mental illnesses make it clear that they can’t be reduced to purely genetic causes. The report gives an example: â€Å"Americans born before 1905 had a 1 percent rate of depression by age 75. Among Americans born a half century later, 6 percent become depressed by age 24! † It thus concludes that only external or social factors can bring about such dramatic changes in such a short time. What do these and numerous other studies tell us? While genes may play a role in shaping our personalities, there clearly are other influences. A major fa ctor is our environment, which has undergone addict changes in modern times. Concerning what today’s youth are exposed to in popular entertainment, the book Boys Will Be Boys observes that it is unlikely that children will develop sound moral principles when they â€Å"grow up watching tens of thousands of hours of TV shows and films in which people are assaulted, shot, stabbed, disemboweled, chopped up, skinned, or dismembered, when children grow up listening to music which glorifies rape, suicide, drugs, alcohol, and bigotry. † Clearly, Satan, â€Å"the ruler of this world,† has shaped an environment that caters to man’s baser desires. And who can deny the powerful influence that such an environment exerts on all of us? ?John 12:31; Ephesians 6:12; Revelation 12:9, 12. The Root of Mankind’s Trouble As we have already seen, mankind’s problems started when the first human pair sinned. The result? While generations of Dam’s offspring are not responsible for Dam’s sin, they nonetheless are all born with si n, imperfection, and death as their entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. â€Å"?Romans 5:12. Man’s imperfection puts him at a decided disadvantage. But that does not absolve him of all moral responsibility. The Bible shows that those who put faith in Jehovah provision for life and conform their lives to God’s standards will have his approval. Out of his loving-kindness, Jehovah made a merciful provision to redeem mankind, to buy back, as it were, what Adam had lost. That provision is the ransom sacrifice of his perfect Son, Jesus Christ, who said: â€Å"God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. â€Å"? John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:21, 22. The apostle Paul expressed his deep appreciation for this provision. He exclaimed: â€Å"Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! † (Romans 7:24, 25) Paul knew that if he succumbed to sin out of weakness, he could ask God’s forgiveness on the basis of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. * As in the first century, today many who formerly led very bad lives or whose situation seemed hopeless have come to an accurate knowledge of Bible truth, made the necessary changes, and come in line for God’s blessing. The changes they had to cake were not easy, and many still have to contend with harmful tendencies. But with God’s help, they are able to maintain integrity and find Joy in serving him. (Philippians 4:13) we have in this society many example of people who started in a way with a bad life but turn around to do good things , have a complete change in their lives in order to please God or to have a better life for them self. Therefore Wearer Responsible Trying to pin the entire blame for our misconduct on our genes simply does not work. Rather than helping us to solve or overcome our problems, notes Psychology Today, ongoing so â€Å"may be teaching us a helplessness that is at the root of many of our problems. Instead of reducing the incidence of these problems, this seems to have fueled their growth. † It is true that we must contend with major adverse forces, including our own sinful tendencies and Satin’s efforts to distract us from obeying God. (1 Peter 5:8) It is also true that our genes may influence us in one way or another. But we are surely not helpless. True Christians have powerful allies? Jehovah, Jesus Christ, God’s holy spirit, his Word the Bible, and the Christian negotiation. Therefore the way one view the nature of human beings is very important as it shapes the way they look at their world. In this case, I must disagree with the â€Å"Theory that say people were born evil. † as I feel that people are inherently good. Most people will choose to be good over evil, and will help their fellow human beings without asking what they are to get from their actions. While there is evil in the world, it is the exception to the norm, and overall it is this my opinion that people can choose to be good . New world translation 2013 edition How to cite Nature good or bad, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Literature Review On Project Economic Analysis And Methodology

Question: Discuss about the Economic Analysis And Methodology. Answer: Introduction This project report will be developed on the basis on assignment 1. As in the previous assignment literature review on project economic analysis and methodology has been done and in this paper financial model will be developing that includes assumptions, risks, cash flows i.e outflows and inflows, constraints, interest rate and the further economic analysis and after that on which basis financial model will be developed. This report is developed in relation with providing a proper set of information related. It is required that the previous aspects related with the project should be focused upon in an appropriate manner so as to ensure that the project could get completed accurately with less investment. This report will also avail the information related with cash inflows and the outflows so that projects could be completed in a proper manner and assurance could be made that less investment will be done and more return will be earned by the company on a particular project. In this project report, option pricing financial model will be taken as this is suitable for the undertaken project report. Financial Model Of The Case Project Option pricingfinancial model - This model is used to calculate the value of company stock like theoretical values of option. This model is useful for the organization to calculate the value of underlying prices, strike prices as well as to predict the future value of some factors like calculating the theoretical value of the particular options for a particular time period. As the value of options keep fluctuating according to the option life.(Pandey, 2008). Assumptions including interest rates, inflation, project life Various assumptions are behind the Option Pricing model, some of the assumptions are as follows- Continuous Volatility- one of the most beneficial assumption of this model is volatility, an evaluation of quantity of stock could be expected to move in upcoming period is stable over a time. Constant interest rates and known- In this model, one of the important assumptions is about the constant interest rates. In order to represent the known and constant rates, risk-free rate is used by this model. Absence of transaction costs and commissions- This model also assumes that there is no cost for transaction such as buying and selling as well as trade barriers are also absent.(Chorafas, 2007). Liquidity- This model assumes perfect liquidity in the market. Beside this, there is possibility to sell or purchase any amount of options or stock at any given time. Log normally distributed returns- One of the assumptions underlies through this model is that, returns on the stock which are underlying can be distributed normally. It is one of the reasonable assumptions in the real world. No dividends- One of the other assumptions underlies with this model are that the stock which is underlain does not pay dividends for the duration of the life of option. Constraints- Each and every model possess some restrictions or limitations. Some of the constraints which are associated with this model and might be constraint for the undertaken project are- Less information- One of the constraints associated with the option model is that, information cannot be assessed easily. Complicated- This project can be said as beginner as it is a new project; and options cause difficulties to the beginners. In earlier phase of the projects, it seems to be easy but later it is identified that the investors as well as the beginners cannot understand the activities well.(Chorafas, 2007). Time decay- At the time of purchasing the option, option`s time value get lessen and for this rule there is no exception. Unavailability of option for all stocks- One of the major constraints by using this model is that options are not available for each stock; it is only available for superior number of stocks. Lower liquidity- volume of individual stock is not much. This constraint can affect the undertaken project`s success as the liquidity of the option stock would have less volume which in turn will deliver lower liquidity. Interest rates- Option pricing model is suitable for the undertaken project. In this pricing model, interest rates are assumed to be stable; this factor will deliver super benefits to the undertaken project. Fluctuations in economy would not be able to affect the rates of interest in the undertaken project in future. This will create a risk- free environment for the undertaken project. Risks- It is important to assess all the risks associated with the undertaken project. As the risk in the project can disturb all the activities carried forward to execute the project and this in turn can affect the business activities, profitability and productivity. Identifying risk would be helpful for the project in term of getting the success of project which is undertaken. Evaluating all the risk factors and working upon them so as to reduce these risk factors will ensure to provide a proper set of support to the company (Chang, 2011). It is required that risk should be analysed and the strategies should be developed which could help in reducing or minimizing the risk factors with the effect of which company could sustain in an appropriate manner. Risk associated with the project is not high as the model used for the undertaken project delivers risk free environment as the interest rates are assumed to be stable. To mitigate risk associated with the less information; more and more information about the option would be assessed. Inflation- Rise in the price of option would not affect the undertaken project as the stability of interest rates would not affect stock. Inflation can affect the amount of options which have higher liquidity. Project Life- Estimated project life would be up to Five years. Cash inflow and Outflow -Managing cash inflow and outflow is another important aspect that need to be considered in respect with this undertaken project. It is required that the organizations indulged in this project so it should have the eye on all the cash inflows and outflows (Movahedian Attar, et. al., 2013). It is required that the organizations should have proper set of knowledge about what they are purchasing and what they are selling, in what quantity organization is purchasing the projects and services and in what quantity the sale is being done. Company will only be able to ensure that its project is being successfully developed when its cash inflow will be more than the cash outflow because it will help the company to grow stringer in the market and to ensure that it could work on various other projects so as to sustain and ensure the success of the project.(Byoun, Kim, Yoo, 2013) Cash inflow and outflow of an organization The cash flow statement is used to calculate the cash inflow and outflow of an undertaken project. That means it summarize the cash receipts (where cash comes from) and cash paid (where cash has gone). This makes the balance between the income statement and balance sheet. As it is analysed that this statement is made up from the three categories:(Cadle, Yeates, 2008) Operating statement Investing statement Financial statement Economic analysis Operating statement These statement is to be made on daily basis as it includes inventory purchases, selling products, wages that needs to be paid, operating expenses that are to be paid. This section is linked with the current liabilities and current assets. As it is shown in the above statement the net cash flow operating activity of the undertaken project is calculated as 147900. Investing activities Investing activities includes the cash receipts that are occurred from selling the equipment and property, collecting loans, selling of investment securities. It also includes the cash paid to purchasing property, payment of loan, purchasing of investment securities, etc. and as given in the statement the current cash flow that is generating for the undertaken project is to be calculated as 41400. Financial activity Financial activity includes cash receipts from stock issuance, borrowing, etc. and cash paid to stock repurchase, loans repayment, dividends etc. and it is analysed that net cash flow from financing activities for an undertaken project is to be calculated as 87000. At last 19500 will be the revenue of the undertaken project which is shown as net increase in cash in the above cash flow statement.(Phillips, Phillips, 2010). Conclusion - On the basis of above cash flow statement, it is analysed that the undertaken project will be beneficial as it shows the net increment into the cash which is 19500 and that will be the generated revenue of this project. This project is suitable to implement as it is described above that the financial model which will be applied in this project will be best as interest rate cannot affect option pricing model because in this model interest rate is stable and does not fluctuate with the continuous movement of the market. So, this project can deliver benefit to the company so this this can be executed.(Yang, 2013). Conclusion With the help of the report developed it could be concluded that the organisations in present scenario should indulge in the market and competitive analysis aspects so as to gather appropriate set of information related with the project. Gaining appropriate set of information related with the financial analysis and various risk factors attached with the project will help the company to sustain in the market and will help in providing proper set of support to the company. In this undertaken project option pricing model will be used by which company can get maximum benefit as there is no possibility of risks as interest rate is stable in this model. It is required that the companies should work on the path of success and sustainability as it will help the company in developing various new and effective set of strategies with the help of which company will be able to complete all the project with quality and within the deadlines which are planned by it. Completion of one project helps the company in getting another with the help of which it could attain competitive advantage and could earn better amount. References Byoun, S., Kim, J., Yoo, S. (2013). Risk Management with Leverage: Evidence from Project Finance. Journal Of Financial And Quantitative Analysis, 1-65. Cadle, J., Yeates, D. (2008). Project management for information systems. Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Chang, Y. (2011). Does RFID improve firms financial performance? an empirical analysis. Information Technology And Management, 12(3), 273-285. Chorafas, D. (2007). Risk management technology in financial services. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Fewings, P. (2013).Construction project management. 1st ed. New York: Spon Press/Routledge. James, P. (2014). Project Financial Management and Modern Financial Slavery: The Case of a KSA Metro Project Start-up. Asian Journal Of Finance Accounting, 6(2), 278. Laumen, M., Kaufmann, T., Timms, D., Schlanstein, P., Jansen, S., Gregory, S. et al. (2010). Flow Analysis of Ventricular Assist Device Inflow and Outflow Cannula Positioning Using a Naturally Shaped Ventricle and Aortic Branch. Artificial Organs, 34(10), 798-806. Movahedian Attar, A., Khanzadi, M., Dabirian, S. and Kalhor, E. (2013). Forecasting contractor's deviation from the client objectives in prequalification model using support vector regression.International Journal of Project Management, 31(6), pp.924-936. Pandey, D. (2008). Rural project management. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers. Phillips, J. and Phillips, P. (2010). The power of objectives: Moving beyond learning objectives.Performance Improvement, 49(6), pp.17-24. Velez-Pareja, I. (2012). Financial Analysis and Control - Financial Ratio Analysis (Slides). SSRN Electronic Journal, 28(1), 123-124. Yang, L. (2013). Key practices, manufacturing capability and attainment of manufacturing goals: The perspective of project/engineer-to-order manufacturing.International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), pp.109-125.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Novel and Brett free essay sample

Institutions can have positive and negative effects that can alter and individuals perceptions, judgment and values. Raw by Scott Monk, Hard Rock by Etheridge Knight and Dangerous Minds by John N. Smith help communicate an understanding of how such institutions can reform an individual. The novel Raw written by Scott Monk, is simple in style but introduces interesting and an acceptable insight to the concept of the institution and the individual experience. Brett Dalton resembles a highly wrought, reactionary character who challenged or feels confronted by structures of authority or control. Using Brett as the protagonist, Monk opens the novel with a prologue that describes Brett as delinquent and confused teenager who refuses to take responsibility for his own actions. His intolerance leads him to committing a crime breaking him into a bottle shop; this explains why he is in the institution called the farm, which can be described as a half-way house with between no security and maximum security. We will write a custom essay sample on Novel and Brett or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This institution accommodates troubled teenagers, in which it is their second chance to become better individuals. Throughout the novel Brett is symbolized as the troubled teenager who overcomes his ignorance. On the farm, Brett meets the caretaker Sam, who is symbolized not only as a role model but also the cause of Bretts positive change. Sam respects each individual equally and believes everybody deserves a second chance, but Brett, at the beginning does not tolerate anyone, especially people with authority – they are the enemy, and you never get friendly with the enemy. This demonstrates Bretts attitudes and protest to the institution. As a caretaker, Sam reiterates to Brett at the beginning, just remember, Brett: only you can change your life. He implies that the power to change lives within the individual. Further on in the novel, Brett is still of concern and Sam reaches out to try and help. Don’t shut me out, Brett. I do know the score and that is why Im worried about you . This indicates the positive effect of the institution and on the individual. Josh is another character who helps Brett reform. Josh is seen as the rehabilitated teenager who chooses to stay on the farm. He helps Brett realize that his problems are the least of his worries when compared with other troubled teenagers, for example Josh himself. His problems are quite indescribable, he has no parents that desire to care for him, whilst Brett does, and this changes Bretts perspective towards Josh and his life. Monk deliberately outlines the change in Brett through Josh to demonstrate the changing experience and positive effect of the institution on Brett. Scott Monk employs many techniques to convey his ideas of the positive changes Brett incurred from an institution. One of many is the use of contrast, which juxtaposes Bretts life at the beginning and his reformed life at the end. Monk highlights this contrast through the prologue and epilogue. In the prologue, Brett hates anyone who has the authority – he thinks the whole world is against him, whilst in the epilogue Brett had learnt to make friendships, gain trust and respect and learn to accept his own mistakes and responsibilities. Violent language such as busted and bang is used at the beginning of the novel, effectively showing the violence of the criminal world Brett came from. Monks point is clear. Individuals need social structures in order to defeat a negative life and develop individuality and responsibility. The institution allowed Brett to realise that he has resources of a character he never knew he possessed. Hard Rock, by Etheridge Knight, consists of many techniques which express the idea that maximum security institutions have a great effect on an individual. This poem specifically outlines the literal meaning of effect on the individual by an institution. Hard Rock is a stereotype yet symbolic name for a prisoner who was cold n tough, very violent and rebellious against all authority. The poem was composed in the 1950s, at the time of racial discrimination against coloured people in America. Contrast of a once cold n tough criminal at the beginning, to a lobotomised vegetable at the end, is expressed in the poem to highlight how effective and dehumanising an institution can be on an individual. Derogatory language like nigger, expletives such as black son of a bitch and word choice such as smacked and kinked all add to portray the effect of realism and to give the reader a chance to create an image on what is emphasised. At the end of the poem, Etheridge Knight uses two metaphors, he had been our destroyer, the doer of things, to reinforce the contrast and emphasise the literal effect the institution had on Hard Rock. The idea of the institution having a negative effect on individuals can be seen in the film ‘Dangerous Minds’ by John N. Smith. In the film there are negative effects of the failure of the school as an institution. The students in the movie are part of a class called the academy class and are referred to as a ‘school within the school. ’ The soundtrack of the movie fits perfectly with songs like Gangsters Paradise that symbolize the negative state of mind of the students. Many of the students have no sense of belonging and see no relevance of to be at a place where even there teachers have no expectations for them. All until Lou Anne Johnson arrives. Lou Anne gives hope to the students and shows the students that there can be some positive effects of the institution. But the negative effects end up reappearing, when a student is turned away by the principle on the basis of a petty rule. This emphasizes and the focus on the rules and order rather than the individual. The consequence of the student in this case is the death. Lou Anne sums up this incident appropriately â€Å"What should I tell them? If they don’t want to die remember to knock? †

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Physical and Mental Risks of Steroid Use

Physical and Mental Risks of Steroid Use The dangers of steroid use and abuse remain well documented in the health science literature yet the demand for these performance enhancing supplements appears as strong as ever. Adolescents as well as competitive athletes feel intense pressure to perform and to fit a certain physical aesthetic ideal.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Physical and Mental Risks of Steroid Use specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a result, this pressure to meet short term competitive and social needs tends to supersede the long term health risks involved in steroid use and abuse. This paper examines recent literature that details the numerous and dangerous health complications that can result from steroid use and abuse, including multi-organ damage, depression, immune system impairment, stunted growth, and suicide (Tygart, 2009). CEO of the United States Anti Doping Agency Travis Tygart (2009) devotes most of his time and energy working with youth sports associations as well as competitive athletes to devise educational curricula which can help eliminate the use and abuse of performance-enhancing steroids in amateur and professional athletics (Tygart, 2009). Tygart’s report stresses the importance of understanding the drive to take steroids in the first place, especially amongst young athletes. Sometimes this pressure originates in the competitive aspect of sports itself, and other times these youth glean pressure from the media, which tends to be overly focused on the importance of physical attractiveness (Tygart, 2009). Although some side effects from steroids diminish over time, many are in fact often irreversible (Tygart, 2009). Young people face the highest risk as steroid abuse can have an impact on their growth over the course of puberty, and can lead to long-term physical underdevelopment, not to mention a compromised immune system (Tygart, 2009). Other physical side effects that may endure o ver the long term include male pattern baldness, liver damage, testicular atrophy, impotence, decline in sperm production, and breast enlargement in males (Tygart, 2009). In females who abuse steroids, the lasting impact can include hair growth on the face, chest, stomach, and back, interruption or utter termination of the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, and deepening of the voice (Tygart, 2009). Steroids also affect users psychologically. Tygart (2009) highlights the prevalence of extreme violent behavioral episodes and uncontrolled rage, often referred to colloquially as â€Å"roid rage,† as well as hyper sexuality, both of which can lead to deviant sexual behavior and criminal conduct. Tygart (2009) details the problems faced by youth and competitive athletes once they stop taking steroids, which can include severe depression.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In some instances, former steroid users and abusers will take their own lives (Tygart, 2009). Tygart (2009) also points to subjective reports from former Eastern block athletes who competed during the 1970s and 1980s and now suffer from heart disease, infertility, breast cancer and testicular cancer. Tygart (2009) feels strongly that the media plays a crucial role in its depiction of performance enhancing drugs. The media still tends to glorify winning at all costs, and touts examples of professional athletes who abused steroids and were able to successfully camouflage the drugs when it came time to pass the anti doping tests (Tygart, 2009). The media can be a valuable ally for the anti doping movement in providing the whole story about the long term health effects of steroid use, and becoming a force for education and ethical fair play in sports (Tygart, 2009). Samaha et al’s (2008) journal article details the â€Å"diverse array of pathologies† that patients who abuse anabolic steroids and similar performance enhancing drugs manifest in later life once the drug cycle has ended. The article reports on one particular case that concerns the grave physiological, psychiatric and physical health complications experienced by a 24 year old male patient, â€Å"resulting from the abuse and uncontrolled use of anabolic steroid supplements, mainly testosterone† (Samaha et al, 2008). The patient was admitted to hospital with abdominal pain, whereupon he reported that he had been taking testosterone intravenously three times per week for eight weeks (Samaha et al, 2008). Doctors found damage had occurred in numerous vital organs, including the liver and pancreas. The patient was then formally admitted for treatment, with an initial diagnosis of â€Å"acute pancreatitis, acute renal failure and hypercalcemia† (Samaha et al, 2008). Samaha et al (2008) explained the multi-organ damage displayed in the patient as hypercalcem ia which had happened as a consequence of the anabolic steroid injections he took, as â€Å"anabolic steroids modulate steroid hydroxylase activity thereby precipitating hypercalcemia.† Samaha et al (2008) also detail the psychological effects of uncontrolled anabolic steroid use, which can include acute depression, bipolar disorders, and panic attacks. The authors lament the discrepancy of medical data and dearth of accurate information on these â€Å"widely abused drugs,† coupled with the rampant and unrestrained proliferation among amateur and professional athletes and body builders, and highlight the need for a â€Å"worldwide collective endeavor to educate both the public and physicians about this issue† (Samaha et al, 2008). The authors understand that if the trend in steroid abuse continues at its current rate of spread, â€Å"medically-supervised withdrawal and†¦psychiatric support† for those coming off steroids will become a medical imperati ve (Samaha et al, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Physical and Mental Risks of Steroid Use specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Graham et al.’s (2008) article in the Sports Medicine journal details the widespread use of anabolic-androgenic steroids, or AAS, as a means to achieve hypertrophy and increase muscle strength in males, both athletes and non-athletes. A particular focus of these researchers was the sport of body building, wherein athletes â€Å"are using [anabolic-androgenic steroids] to improve size and cosmetic appearance† (Graham et al, 2008). However, the authors also caution that AAS use is not limited to the bodybuilding sector. Rather, â€Å"the prevalence of AAS use has risen dramatically over the last two decades and filtered into all aspects of society† (Graham et al., 2008). One key issue facing anabolic-androgenic steroid abusers is lack of support once they deci de to withdraw from the drugs. The authors note that while support for steroid abusers has increased somewhat, it remains hamstrung by the fact that the â€Å"medical profession†¦will not accept that AAS use dependency is a psychiatric condition† (Graham et al., 2008). Other problems the researchers detail in anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse, particularly in the body building culture, remains the unbridled practice of self prescription, often by those with little or no pharmaceutical or scientific knowledge of the long term effects of the drugs they self prescribe. Graham et al. (2008) point to the fact that â€Å"polypharmacy by self-prescription is prevalent in this sector †¦used in sport by individuals who have acquired knowledge of the half-lives of specific drugs and the dosages and cycles required to avoid detection† (Graham et al., 2008). Given that bodybuilders use anabolic-androgenic steroids in massive doses to gain muscle mass and size, often thes e athletes are results focused, and have â€Å"little or no regard for the consequences† (Graham et al., 2008). Graham et al. (2008) list the numerous dangers implicit in uncontrolled use and abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids, including reproductive issues such as infertility, testicular degeneration in males, and secondary interference with the menstrual cycle in females. Adverse side effects will manifest on the basis of dosage, the particular cocktail of steroid or combination of anabolic-androgenic steroids the user ingests, as well as the duration of the abuse itself (Graham et al., 2008). The authors categorize the negative side effects according to the afflicted organ. The study found affects in all major organs: the brain, the skin, in the form of cystic acne, the liver, which suffers â€Å"adenoma, carcinoma, peliosis hepatis, [and] cholestatic jaundice†, the cardiovascular system, which manifests â€Å"atrial fibrillation and alteration in lipid profile and arterial structure and function,† and finally the â€Å"gonadal systems, including the prostate and testes in males and the ovaries in females† (Graham et al., 2008).Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The widespread use of steroids in many sports has become the elephant in the room in recent years. The long term negative health effects of these drugs rarely find the light of day in the media, however, and the medical establishment, according to much of the research covered in this paper, remains ill equipped to effectively treat the physical and psychological impact of steroid abuse (Graham et al., 2008). Also, the demand for the drugs themselves often stem from a pervasive sense of inadequacy amongst youth and athletes alike. Until the health sciences discover a means to successfully communicative worth and value independent of winning at all costs in sports, young athletes will continue to seek the competitive edge, and cause irreparable harm to their bodies in the interim. References Graham, M.R., et al. (2008). Anabolic steroid use: patterns of use and detection of doping. Sports Medicine 38 (6), 505-525. Samaha, A. A., et al. (2008). Multi-organ damage induced by anabolic st eroid supplements: a case report and literature review. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2 (340), 1-6. Tygart, T. (2009). Steroids, the media, and youth: a QA with Travis Tygart. The Prevention Researcher, 16(S1), 7-9.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Thousand Splendid Sunsâ€Discussion Questions

'A Thousand Splendid Suns'- Discussion Questions A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is superbly written, has a page-turning story, and will help your book club learn more about Afghanistan. Use these book club discussion questions to probe deeper into the story. Spoiler Warning: These book club discussion questions reveal important details from the novel. Finish the book before reading on! Discussion Questions What did A Thousand Splendid Suns teach you about the history of Afghanistan? Did anything surprise you?Mariam’s mother says: Women like us. We endure. It’s all we have. In what ways is this true? How do Mariam and Laila endure? How is their endurance different from the ways their mothers faced their trials?Several times Mariam passes herself off as Lailas mother. In what way is their relationship like mother-daughter? How did their own relationships with their mothers shape how they treated each other and their family?What is the significance of Lailas childhood trip to see the giant stone Buddhas above the Bamiyan Valley? Why did her father take her on this trip? How did his influence shape the way Laila would cope with her future?Afghanistan changes rulers several times in the story. During the Soviet occupation, the people felt life would be better once the foreigners were defeated. Why do you think the quality of life deteriorated after the occupation rather than r eturning to the way it was in the pre-communist era? When the Taliban first enter the city, Laila does not believe women will tolerate being forced out of jobs and treated with such indignity. Why do the educated women of Kabul endure such treatment? Why are the Taliban accepted?The Taliban forbid writing books, watching films, and painting pictures; yet the film Titanic becomes a sensation on the black market. Why would people risk the Taliban’s violence to watch the film? Why do you think this particular film became so popular? How does Hosseini use films throughout the novel to symbolize relationships between people and the state of the country (i.e. Jalils theater, Tariq Lailas outings to the movies)?Were you surprised when Tariq returned? Had you suspected the depth of Rasheeds deceit?Why does Mariam refuse to call witnesses at her trial? Why didnt she try to escape with Laila and Tariq? Do you think Mariam made the right decision? Even though her life was hard, Mariam wishes for more of it in the end. Why do you think tha t is? Do you think Laila and Tariq can be happy?Afghanistan is still in the news a lot. Do you think the situation will truly improve there?Rate A Thousand Splendid Suns on a scale of 1 to 5.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analyzing the character of Bird Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analyzing the character of Bird - Essay Example At his present age of twenty eight years he still uses his nick name given to him in his adolescence. Carelessness and attitude to run away from challenging situations can clearly be witnessed by observing Bird’s behavior on the birth of his first child. Leaving his wife alone in the hospital to sweat he escapes into his years old desire of visiting Africa and imagines himself out of the hospital and into the market. Instead of returning back to the hospital to get to know of the status of the child’s birth he merely makes a phone call from a public phone to inquire about the status at the hospital. This behavior seems quite ironic. This is the time of a woman’s life when she needs her husband the most. This is when she needs all the encouragement and support to get motivated to assist the birth of the child. Just by knowing the fact that her husband is around, the man whose baby she is about to give birth to, is enough moral support for her. But Bird just didnâ €™t care. He opted for the easiest option available to him and ran out of the entire situation leaving his wife at the disposal of the doctors and his parents in law. Not very enthusiastic about fatherhood, Bird has been demonstrated as a person who runs away from all kinds of responsibilities. H feels that once he becomes a father he would be devoid of all his freedom, would be locked up in a cage with its door closed. The years that would come after his child’s birth would refrain him from going to Africa – The land of his dreams! Severely struggling between duty and desire Bird is really disappointed with life when the much awaited birth of his child does take place. Unfortunately the new born is a defective child. This further pulls the morale of the already dejected father into dungeons. At this point in his life as well the only person he thinks about is himself. This can easily be conveyed via author Kenzaburo’s (1968) following words in which he depi cts Bird’s instant reaction upon the news of his child’s abnormal birth, â€Å"Bird scuttled back to the bedroom, like a crab making for a ledge. He shut his eyes tight and tried to submerge himself in the warmth of his bed, as if by denying reality he could instantly banish it. But nothing changed. Bird shook in head in resignation.†(15) Reacting selflessly at the hospital and without meeting his wife he leaves her behind in the maternity home he ventures on into his own world running away from the hard hitting facts of life. Some earlier instances of his life, narrated by himself, show that he has considered himself to be in distress ever since he has tied himself in the bond of marriage. He narrates this feeling of his with the similitude of a person being held in a cage with the door of the cage being left open. The fist escape he opts for right after his marriage is that he gets himself drunk continuously for four months. The only thing he did was that he g ot drunk and listened to music. This was all at the expense of a lifetime relationship that he had just stepped into, a responsibility that he faced in the face of a wife who was dependent on him and on top of it all at the expense of his education. Yes, Bird was studying when he ventured on this carelessness spree. Setting aside all future prospects of establishing himself in the society Bird risked his

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 104

Case Study Example Consequently, the liver is stimulated to produce more glucose into the blood system so as to provide more energy for muscles (Pino, p.15) Coagulation refers to the process in which blood changes from liquid to a gel. Coagulation will in turn result in homeostasis and stops blood loss from a damaged vessel. Coagulation profile refers to an analysis of the various components that assist in blood clotting. These substances include Prothrombin time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time, Thrombin Time, Fibrinogen, and Fibrin Degradation Products. All this substances have a healthy percentage or value, and deficiency of an element may result in coagulation complications (Blood disorders Para 12). It may either be internal or external. Rapid blood loss occurs in persons suffering from anaemia. It results in losing large amounts of blood. It leads to a drastic fall in blood pressure and a reduction in bodies oxygen supply. These problems may lead to a heart attack. Chronic blood loss occurs where a patient loses small amounts of blood from their body organs within an extended period. Rapid blood loss is treated by blood transfusion while chronic blood loss may be treated with the intake of iron supplements usually tablet for several months Several complications may occur during the treatment of bone fractures with the risk of complications varying with the type of bone fracture. In the case of Mr. Liu in the case study, some of the complications may include the development of pneumothorax, respiratory compromise or even frail chest due to the multiple rib fractures. Observations should always be made to make sure it either an open fracture or closed fracture. The skin should be checked if its intact. Radiography results are reviewed thoroughly as a single break is easier to treat than a comminuted fracture. Capillary refill is also checked, if they are no p[resent pulses the patient might have serious internal problems. Sharp bone

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gwen Harwood Essay Essay Example for Free

Gwen Harwood Essay Essay Opportunities for an individual to develop understanding of themselves stem from the experiences attained on their journey through life. The elements which contribute to life are explored throughout Gwen Harwood’s poems, At Mornington and Mother Who Gave Me Life, where the recollection of various events are presented as influences on the individual’s perception of the continuity of life. Both poems examine the connections between people and death in relation to personal connections with the persona’s father or mother. By encompassing aspects of human nature and life’s journey, Harwood addresses memories and relationships which contribute to one’s awareness of life. Memories and meandering thoughts, related to personal experiences, are explored throughout At Mornington where the persona shifts between the past and present and dreams and reality. This is similar to Father and Child where Barn Owl is set in past test and Nightfall is set in the present, symbolic of appreciation and understanding of the complexities of life which the child learns. At Mornington opens with an evocation of an event from the persona’s childhood which establishes the temporary and ever changing nature of human life. Reflected through the shifts between past and present tense, the persona is attempting to use past experiences in order to appreciate the present and accept the future. The poem provides a reflective and personal point of view accompanied by the recurring motif of water which symbolises the persona’s transition from childhood to the acceptance of the inevitability of death. In the third stanza, the persona refers to a more recent past where she had seen pumpkins growing on a trellis in her friend’s garden. The action of the pumpkins is described as â€Å"a parable of myself† which allows the persona to reflect on the meaning and quality of her own life and existence. The metaphor between the pumpkin vine and the persona suggests that like the pumpkin, human life also ripens and matures before coming to a closure and returning to the earth. Supported by the phrase â€Å"candlelight for eyesight,† the reader is made aware of the transience of life that the persona has grown to accept and understand. In Father and Child, as the persona moves on from childhood, her father becomes elderly and is entertained by simple things in nature, â€Å"birds, flowers, shivery-grass. † These symbols of nature remind the persona of the inconsistency of life and the certainty of death, â€Å"sunset exalts its known symbols of transience,† where sunset represents time. Both poems are indicative of the impermanence of life and that the persona has managed to mature and grow beyond the initial fearlessness of childhood moving onto a sophisticated understanding of death. The connection between life and death is expressed in a different way through Mother Who Gave Me Life, a poem of mourning for the dead. The poem can be seen as a personal farewell to the persona’s mother where the dominant images of the poem show evolution and the passing of time. Father and Child also demonstrates the passing of time as the persona moves from the innocence of childhood to the sadness of her father’s advancing age and inevitable passing. In Mother Who Gave Me Life, the reference to Halley’s Comet, which appears only once every seventy-six years, tells the reader that the mother was unable to see it once more before surrendering to death. The direct speech of the Sister is reported without the use of quotation marks as in, â€Å"When she died she was folding a little towel. † This provides readers with the knowledge that the mother addressed in the poem is dead. Without quotation marks, the flow of the poem is maintained and is therefore more easily absorbed into the texture of the poem. The parallel image of the â€Å"fabric of marvels† being reduced to the â€Å"little towel† raises the notion that whilst death may have brought a physical end to the persona’s mother’s life she remains a marvel of creation as the persona’s memories of her live on. The poem ends with the ‘fine linen’ recalling the memories of a typical childhood scene where the persona’s mother is calling for her to have dinner â€Å"as darkness falls on my father’s house. † This biblical reference to the House of the Lord, combined with the coming of darkness, reminds the reader of the inevitable ending of life and the respective movement into heaven. As the second section of Father and Child draws to a close, it is evident that the persona has grown to understand that she has limited time left with her father. The significance of Nightfall as the title of the second section, when considering the daybreak setting of Barn Owl, reinforces this. Sunrise symbolises youth whilst nightfall, in comparison, suggests an ending which implies death, a concept that the adult persona is beginning to acknowledge it as part of life. A particular instance in life can conjure different memories of the past as in At Mornington where the persona is drawn into recollections of childhood experiences with her father while standing by the graveside of her friend’s parents. A positive image of the father and child relationship is conveyed throughout the poem as in, â€Å"secure in my father’s arms. † This image conveys safety, comfort and protection which assists the persona in moving on and accepting the cycle of life. It is the security which stems from this relationship that enables the persona to mature from the perceptions and thoughts maintained as a child. Insight into the relationship between the persona, as both child and adult, with her father is also demonstrated in Father and Child. The dominance of the father is suggested through his imperative tone, â€Å"End what you have begun. † Despite the power-play in their relationship, there is still a sense of closeness, â€Å"I leaned my head upon my father’s arms. † This connection has enabled the persona to mature and grow through experiences. This personal relationship is also evident in Mother Who Gave Me Life where the imagery of light shows the persona realises the importance of her mother as she walks â€Å"in the light of the living. † This suggests that the persona is able to walk amongst the living due to her mother. The affirming experiences and enlightenment provided by this relationship enables the persona to see the life-giving role of women as part of the cycle of life. All the poems comment on an individual’s relationship with their mother or father which is essential in maturing and evolving as an individual. The relationships conveyed enable the persona to gain an understanding of life whilst considering its value and accepting its cycle. Ultimately, the exploration of memory and relationships with the persona and their father or mother enables an individual to comprehend human nature and the links between life and death. Throughout the poems At Mornington and Mother Who Gave Me Life, Harwood shows the reader, through memories and comparisons, different aspects of life which contribute to what it means to be human.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Weaker Sex in Macbeth :: GCSE Coursework Macbeth Essays

The Weaker Sex in Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth exhibits a minimum of women among its dramatis personae. And of the two involved in the drama, only one is worthy of consideration - Lady Macbeth. The witches are questionable humans, but will be treated briefly.    In "Macbeth as the Imitation of an Action" Francis Fergusson enlightens the reader concerning the fears weakening Lady Macbeth:      I do not need to remind you of the great scenes preceding the murder, in which Macbeth and his Lady pull themselves together for their desperate effort. If you think over these scenes, you will notice that the Macbeths understand the action which begins here as a competition and a stunt, against reason and against nature. Lady Macbeth fears her husband's human nature, as well as her own female nature, and therefore she fears the light of reason and the common daylight world. (108)       Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare contradict the impression that the female protagonist is all strength:    Lady Macbeth is of a finer and more delicate nature. Having fixed her eye upon the end - the attainment for her husband of Duncan's crown - she accepts the inevitable means; she nerves herself for the terrible night's work by artificial stimulants; yet she cannot strike the sleeping king who resembles her father. Having sustained her weaker husband, her own strength gives way; and in sleep, when her will cannot control her thoughts, she is piteously afflicted by the memory of one stain of blood upon her little hand.   (792)    In "Memoranda: Remarks on the Character of Lady Macbeth," Sarah Siddons comments on how the feminine role of the leading lady is not a typical one as regards attitude:    [Macbeth] announces the King's approach; and she, insensible it should seem to all the perils which he has encountered in battle, and to all the happiness of his safe return to her, -- for not one kind word of greeting or congratulations does she offer, -- is so entirely swallowed up by the horrible design, which has probably been suggested to her by his letters, as to have forgotten both the one and the other. It is very remarkable that Macbeth is frequent in expressions of tenderness to his wife, while she never betrays one symptom of affection towards him, till, in the fiery furnace of affliction, her iron heart is melted down to softness.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Freedom of Teenager Essay

On Sep 19, 2012, the polices captured Lindsay Lohan at Dream hotel in New York City. She hit a walker outside hotel even she drove in slow speed. Lindsay Lohan called Lilo is not only a star of US entertainment but also around the world. Watching her movies, the audiences had loved her when she was a little girl. She was successful in her career and took a lot of certified gold. In contrast, recently she is known with lots of scandals such as car accidents, an addicter, and a lesbian with a female collaborator – Sam Ronson. These scandals begin when she was 18 years old. As Lindsay, teenagers in US had actions similarly with her. A large part of teenager community like flowing the dissolute life, and its results are abortion, addiction, gangsters and murder. Due to a wrong education, many teenagers fall out of society. Too much freedom and money are cause to make the perverse life more disseminated in community. Not intervening children’s private life, Parents let them to decide everything by themselves when they are 18 years old. Why? Have their kids enough experiences to decide everything? Especially, the teenagers have sexual relationship as young as a sapling , and its results are considerable . Moreover, the way to educate teenager of some parents might be wrong. They don’t pay attention for kids. No worrying about kids, parents only focus on working and earn money. They are giving them too much money and teaching children how to use wastefully money as soon as they are a kid . Sometime parent doesn’t know whatever their babies are doing even the children aren’t at house in long time because their all the time to be sent for working. All these will cast a big effect in the society which results in immorality. Behiding all these causes bring damage considerably for the life of teenagers. Pregnant and abortion are evidence to easily show us about the dissolute of teenagers. Having sexual relationship early, pregnant at 16 ages they can’t avoid. According Teenpregnancy.org, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy said that 750,000 teen pregnant. What will happen for young mothers? Drop out the school and the future is a zero. As the result, their mind is declined and cannot focus on studying. A lot of student stops studying and star working to earn money. Day by day, more and more people don’t have knowledge, so what will happen in the world? Worse, becoming gangsters in society, students on the street associating with a gang of youths wasting their precious time, smoking and saying swear words. For example, A student shoot at Ohio school by T.J. lane who is a shooter, and one person died. The society will have more dangers to become where is dangerous for people. When the teenager can’t control themselves and they don’t care whatever people around them think or feel, they will kill or hurt someone. Many murders, violations and stealing usually happen. Every day, Violence of teenager is over 80% on all the US. In short, the consequences of over freedom of teenager are so serious. Both society and their-self will be destroyed soon. Being an owner of the world, teenager must be grown up in the best environment. Good education, a limit interest, and good parent are main factors to make good affections or bad on teenagers. The responsibility is not only belong government but also is parent. So let’s think about what the adult did which affects too much to teenager’s living style. I’m also a teenager and met lots of American family. I think parent pampered children too much, accept whatever kids want. It is not necessary to teenager who needs to be training in paragon of framework. Finally, freedom is a good thing, but everything always has two faces, well and bad, depend on your mind and your heart. â€Å"No fire, no smoke†

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Marx and Weber’s Analyses of the Development of Capitalism Essay

Capitalism is defined as ‘An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.’ It is based on the division between two classes, one of which owns the labour of the other. Not only do the upper classes, or the bourgeoisie, own the means of physical production but also the means of ‘mental production’. They control and manipulate society through the rule of education, religion and the media. Althusser distinguishes between repressive state apparatuses and ideological state apparatuses and argues about how the bourgeoisie manages to maintain its rule. He argues that the repressive includes the police and the army in which use physical force to control the working class as opposed to the ideological apparatuses such as the media and religion which control the development of ideas. A key component of capitalism is that the working class are forced to sell their labour in exchange for wages i n order to survive. However, they do not receive an equal exchange for the labour they produce, but only the cost of subsistence. The difference of what the bourgeoisie receive from the labourers and the amount they pay back is called the surplus value, meaning the profit they make. Max Weber was one of the founding fathers of sociology and contributed highly to our knowledge of how society works. Weber’s work can be highlighted by referring to his study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, first published in 1905 (22 years after the death of Karl Marx in 1883). Weber argues that the Protestant Reformation introduced a new belief system of Calvinism (a form of Protestantism founded by John Calvin during the reformation) which promoted a high work ethic and which eventually led to the rise in capitalism. Calvinists believed that God preordains the ‘elect’ meaning of who would be saved after death and go onto heaven and who would not. This could not be changed through hard work or leading a good life as the decision had already been decided. This made Calvinists strive for success, with which they would reinvest into making more money, hence the development of capitalism. Weber distinguishes the differences between the capitalism of greed and wealth in past societies to those of present. Modern day people are pursing profit for its own sake rather than for consumption, hence why the Calvinists reinvested their wealth. Weber calls this the spirit of capitalism. He further argues that this was the reason capitalism was stronger in places like Europe and America and not in other places where Protestantism wasn’t so established. Weber also distinguishes between many different existing forms of capitalism including ‘traditional capitalism’ and ‘booty capitalism’; however the crucial ideal type is the one named modern capitalism, or rational capitalism meaning the repetitive, ongoing economic activity on the basis of rational calculation. Understanding what needs to happen and what the best way of achieving it is, allows for reinvestment and the growth of economic enterprises. He argues that it is the rational side of modern capitalism that distinguishes it from other advanced economic areas such as China and India, both of which had higher and more advanced infrastructures in the 17th century compared to Europe and America. However, Weber is hugely criticised for his understanding of the rise in capitalism due to others believing that it was the peoples relationship with the material forces and there means of subsidence which drove the change. Weber takes a key focus on religion and the impact that had on the rest of society as well as capitalism, whereas Marx focuses on class conflict. Marx argues that through industrialisation capitalism had been forced to increase due to growing separation of the two contrasting classes. One class is the exploiting bourgeoisie who own the means of production and the other class being the proletariat who own nothing but their own labour. Marx predicted that the working class would eventually become conscious of their alienation and exploitation and unite to overthrow capitalism. This would slowly bring in a system of socialism which would gradually evolve into a pure classless communist society lacking in exploitation. He argued that capitalism would disintegrate due to interior tensions, just like every other social system. He believed that communism was inevitably the next stage in the line of historical changes to class systems. Just as feudalism was replaced by capitalism, so capital ism would be replaced by communism. Marx argues that religion performs a different function than that of what Weber argues. Instead it operates as an ‘ideological weapon’ used by the bourgeoisie to justify the suffering of the poor as something unchangeable and ‘god-given’. Religion persuades the working class that their suffering is honourable and moral and will be favoured in the afterlife. This is evident in the Christianity teaching of it is ‘easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven’. This manipulates and oppresses the proletariat as it renders them blind to capitalistic trends; ensuing and maintaining false class consciousness. However, Marx can be criticised for ignoring the positive functions that religions perform, made apparent by the psychological adjustment to misfortune that it offers. Abercrombie and Turner (1978) argue that ‘in pre capitalist society, while Christianity was a major element of ruling-class ideology, it had only limited impact on the peasantry’ (A2 Sociology AQA Specification, 2009, pg 13) However, although Marx does argue that religion helps to control the manipulation of ideas of the working class he also believes that it is ‘the heart of the heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions’, as it can act as an distraction to dull the pain of exploitation. When comparing and contrasting two very highly influential historians such as Karl Marx and Max Weber, some would argue that it is highly important to look at their overall impact on society as well as humanity. Karl Marx focused highly on philosophy and his work is still influential in many cultures worldwide today. This contrasts to Max Weber who is considered ‘one of the fathers of modern thought’ and could be considered one of the world’s most intellectual and influential persons. Although both historians share clear similarities, for example both coming from a European Protestant background they also contrast and have distinct differences. Weber criticises Marx’s theory as he believes that his view is too one dimensional and simplistic when looking at inequality. Weber argues that this is due to Marx seeing class as the only important division. Weber argues that status and power also have high impact on the volume of inequality. He points towards the ‘power elite’ for evidence and argues that they can rule without actually owning the means of production. Currently there are many independent companies that can control and rule particular labourers without being a part of the bourgeoisie, it is not as simple as Marx likes to preach. A great amount of people are in other situations than the time when Marx was writing, for example ‘dealers in information, managers and civil servants’, meaning that the relative importance of the struggle between owners and workers has relatively declined. Although Marx and Weber have severe differences in their evaluation of modern capitalism their augments also share many similarities. They both believe that the economic system is a place where â€Å"individuals are directed by abstractions† (Marx). We must also take into account the times of which both sociologists were writing. Weber is writing nearly half a century later and focuses highly on the impact of power, wealth and prestige. He argues that these were the three main factors contributing to capitalism and the distinction of classes. This contrasts to Marx who focuses singularly on the impact of class and how the contrast of bourgeoisie and proletariat impacted on the rise of capitalism. However, both of their summaries of overthrowing capitalism share many similarities. Both sociologists argue that in order for capitalism to be overthrown the working class must unite together to overthrow the ruling class and free themselves from capitalist oppression. Bibliography Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1932). The German Ideology . Moscow: David Riazanov. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848). Manifesto of the communist party. London. Max Weber (1978). Economy and Society. California: University of California Press. Thomas Hobbes (1988). The Leviathan. London : Penguin . Phil Bartle. (2007). Marx vs Weber. Available: http://cec.vcn.bc.ca/cmp/modules/cla-mweb.htm. Last accessed 10th October 2012. Louis Althusser. (1970). Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. Available: http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/althusser/1970/ideology.htm 970. Last accessed 10th October 2012 Michael Lowy. (2006). Marx, Weber and the Critique of Capitalism . Available: http://internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article1106 . Last accessed 10th October 2012. No Author. (1999). Max Weber. Available: http://uregina.ca/~gingrich/s30f99.htm. Last accessed 10th October 2012. D. Sayer, Capitalism and Modernity: An Excurses on Marx and Weber, pg. 4, London: Routledge, 1991. Cuff, E. C., W. W. Sharrock and D. W. Francis, Perspectives in Sociology, third edition, London, Routledge, 1992.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

To Be or Not to Be a Whistleblower essays

To Be or Not to Be a Whistleblower essays My essay focuses on the eternal dilemma to be or not to be a whistleblower which has become a major problem for nowadays employees who often assist to irregularities without knowing what to do. The purpose of my paper is to prove that whistle blowing is a perfectly ethical and healthy practice which doesnt imply that the employee who makes the decisive step of disclosing information is disloyal to his organization. First of all, an individual who intends to point his finger at organizational misconducts should decide whether to talk or to keep quiet after taking into account several issues. One of the primary aspects refers to the amplitude of consequences, i.e. the number of people harmed and the intensity of the negative impact. Furthermore, an employee should know for sure that the respective effect will take place and that people will suffer because of it. On the other hand, the person who is tempted to blow the whistle must consider temporal immediacy. Thus, if the consequences are imminent, the employee must haste the disclosure process. Additionally, he must make a decision according to the physical and emotional proximity. This means that whistleblowing is more motivated when an employee has a close relationship with potential victims or when the information he holds refers to the impact on a nearby town, for instance. Another issue he should touch upon is the intensity of the miscond uct. As England (2007) states: stealing $1000 from one person is more unethical than stealing $1 from 1000 people. In other words, before disclosing information, an employee must make sure he has a strong case which can be supported by solid proofs when required. Referring to whistleblowers, some people consider them to be martyrs because they have the courage to unveil unethical conducts while others call them snitches because of their presumed eager to achieve personal fame. Still, ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Business Research Literature Review

In this assignment, a comprehensive literature review had been developed for the business research proposal related with topic â€Å"study and analyze marketing tools and tactics used by Coles Supermarkets, Australia.† There were some major topics included in this literature review section. They were such as overview of the Australian retail industry, Global Retail Business, consumer demand and ideas of independence groceries. The main hypotheses of   this literature   review section is to analyse the effectiveness of   marketing tools and tactics used by Australian retail companies compare to global retail companies. It had been assumed that Australian retail market is still growing and it can be improved by modifying the marketing tools and techniques used in this industry.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   H 0 : Australian retail market has a steady growth in the market H 1 : Australian retail market do not has a steady growth in the market It has been found that Australian retail market is growing rapidly. The retail market of Australia has increased by 3% in accordance to the current value terms in 2016[1]. Although, the growth is positive, it had been analyzed that the growth rate had become slower than 2015[2]. The main reason behind the slower rate of growth of Australian retail market is that Australian customers remain cautious about their spending during the whole year due to low level of income growth. The customer good subdivision of Australian retail market has struggled with critical retail conditions over the last five years.   It had been found that volatile consumer sentiment and weak growth of economy due to fluctuating financial market had developed tensed time for the subdivision operators. In addition, it had been found that there was continuous fall in the retail demand in Australia for video games, photographic equipments, books, newspapers, stationary goods and footwear[3]. However, online retailing or internet retailing of Australia had reached a relatively steady rate. In the year of 2016, it had been found that the online retailing has outperformed store-based retailing is Australia. Due to the increase importance of retail presence across different channels had influenced Australian retailers like Woolsworth and Wesfarmers to increase investment on multichannel retailing[4]. They started to focus on online business presence. They started to use social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for promotion and advertisements. It had been analyzed that the trend of consumer demand of Australian retail market favored the convenience offered by online retailing. Aggressive expansion of Aldi indicates the continuous growth of this industry[5]. Wesfarmers is considered as the largest retailer in Australian in the year of 2016. The company is presently leading across different categories of retailing.   The value growth of the company Wesfarmers is highly driven by the strong performance is categories like office supply stores, home and garden, mass merchandisers and forecourt retailers.   The company is ranked as number one organization in terms of value share in the year of 2016[6]. It had been analyzed that retailing industry in Australia will increase at a value of CAGR of 3% over the next forecast period[7]. It will be largely driven by garden and home specialist retailers and online retailing. It is expected that these categories of retail industry will show strong growth due to growing demand for new houses and due to faster adoption of new technologies and online services.   There were two major factors that have affected the Australian retail market the most. They are such as Government policies and the subdued lending environment. The election of new coalition Australian government in 2013 had come up with two major factors[8]. The government has announced the withdrawal of government subsidies for many retail organizations. For this reason, various local retail groceries have closed their operation in Australia. The government has renewed the focus on the reduction of federal debt reduction to handle the national deficit leading to the viewpoint of tax increment and deep cuts to family benefits. In addition, banking sector has also become the subject of capital adequacy reforms designed to protect the retail industry. It would help to secure the retail industry from unexpected fluctuations and promote stability to this industry.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In term of future, it had been analyzed that, Omni channel retailing is going to be more relevant now than ever. In order to improve sales performance in future, retail companies have to combine brick and mortar operation with digital strategies. Rise of Smartphone adoption will increase online retail selling. In future online marketing will become the most important promotion and advertising strategy. There are various in-store technology can be used as effective marketing tool to increase sales performance. They are such as digital signage, interactive screens, self serve kiosks and online product directories. Presently it has been found that 49% of the Australian customers would like purchase products with the help of apps than a browser.   For this reason, retail companies such as Woolsworth and Wesfarmers have started to incorporate mobile apps in their Omni-channel marketing strategy. The Australian grocery retail had experienced a positive growth in the year of 2016. This high rate of growth in this sector can be explained by the success of discounters within the country. However, the growth of this industry is restricted by price discounting and intense amount of competition. These factors have hindered the growth rate of the grocery retailer s during the year. Rapid technology advancements provide retail companies the opportunities to engage consumer in-store. It has been found that perception of many marketers in the retail market is that the lending practices have also become constrained. It had also affected the commercial growth and customer credit. H 0 : Global retail business is changing due to market competition H 1 : Global retail business is not changing due to market competition Supermarkets and grocery retail industry is competitive not only in Australia but also in other parts of the world. The level of competitiveness is due to the change in consumer trends of the shopping their necessary goods from the market as well as changing sentiments. The change in the consumer sentiments has also changed the trading pattern of the supermarket retail industry all over the world[9]. Global supermarket retail industry has showed the growth of many popular supermarkets such as Tesco, Walmart, Aldi, Woolworths, Metcash, etc. It is seen that the supermarket retailers of Australia are adapting the trends of the demands of the customers that are responsible for the increase of footprints in the retail stores. They are facing the competition to meet the higher expectation of the customers in terms of convenience, freshness of the foods, transparency, standard of foods and other products served by it[10]. The trends that the retail supermarkets across the world are adopting are categorized into groups such as authentication of the fresh foods, convergence concepts that are convenience driven, impact of the changing regulations, creating opportunities to the workforce and consolidation of the operational movements. Companies are going to focus on the product differentiation focusing on the niche segment of customers. The addition of the online retailing and click and col lect options are more competitive than the traditional supermarket stores of different parts of the world[11]. On the other hand, it can be said that the supermarkets in many parts of the world are facing issues in maintaining the workforce i.e. skilled technical workforce. The companies are facing different issues in terms of maintaining the workforce in terms of technical problems. The technical experts and skilled expertise are hard to find in many countries of the world. However, it is the responsibility of the retailers to take of their employees in terms of employee engagement and their satisfaction. The supermarkets are facing problems in order to maintain an adjustment of the operations to the different associates who are associated with managing an array of tasks[12]. Research has portrayed the fact that the need of technology is of first priority. In terms of facility management systems, the global retailers are utilizing different types of human centred design that are considered as enhancing connectivity and monitoring the capabilities that improves user interface, intuitive opera tion and usability. The changing regulations of the countries are factors that are responsible for creating any effect on the trading patterns of the different supermarket retailers across the world. The two regulations that are important in creating a significant change of the business patterns of the supermarket retailers are refrigerant regulation and Food Safety Modernization Act. It can be said that the refrigerant regulation changes focuses on the issues of energy efficiency and the refrigerants. This implication will help the retailers while adopting refrigerators that are manufactured by using latest technologies[13]. The FSMA regulation is responsible for reduction of food waste by the companies. The individual retailers and the grocers are responsible for maintaining the freshness level â€Å"farm to table†. The companies are focusing on increasing the footprints in order to boost their never ending strategy in the expansion plans. In terms of focusing on the trollies of the consumers, it is seen that the global supermarkets are focused in providing benefits to the shoppers in order to improve their shopping experience. Hence, the hypothesis of the topic can be said that the global supermarkets are constantly trying to follow the recent and future trends in order to attract more customers that results to increase in the sales. It can be concluded that the global supermarket retail chains across the world are competitive in nature while developing their research and development department in order to imply the product differentiation by adopting different types of pricing strategies to attract the customers of the specific target market.   It is seen that the top retail companies are competing with each other not only in terms of price but also in terms of attracting more customers. . It can be said that the food retail industry across the world are simultaneously differentiating and consolidating. It is known by conducting research to the market regarding the integrity and safety of the foods they maintain in order to satisfy the consumers of the countries. H 0 : Global market strategies depend on the changing perspectives of consumers H 1 : Global market strategies does not depend on the changing perspectives of consumers Demands of the consumers are important aspect in the perspective of developing strategies of the global supermarket retail chains. Preferences of the consumers are the main criteria that businesses of every sector follow while standing apart in the competitive market in terms of different business operations such as revenue, customers, product expansion, market expansion, etc. The section will focus on the effect of changing patterns of the consumer demands in the perspective of shopping attributes and perception of choosing things especially food and other grocery items. There are also some problems that are faced by the global supermarket chains along with the supermarkets of Australia. Food and retail transition among the supermarket retail are caused due to the change in the consumer’s choice especially in terms of food items. The British people are known for consuming more calories when compared with other people of the different countries of the world. The transitional middle-income group is known for more consumption of processed foods that have very high in energy and salt content. These foods are known as problem foods because these foods are responsible of creating risks of different types of diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases. Research has been done not only to the supermarkets across different parts of the world but also to the consumers who are considered as the shoppers. It can be said that more than 85% of the respondents are preferring supermarkets for buying their essential things[14]. Among them, almost half of the consumers are regularly visiting the supermarkets and the convenience stores. They are focused in buying foods those are health y and does not contain more fat. The consumers purchase fresh bakeries, vegetables and different organic foods more than processed meats, soft drinks, fast foods, deep fried foods, instant foods, etc.) Apart from that, the supermarkets focus on the service quality, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction and the self-checkout service for increasing the customer loyalty and the increase of the sales. The technological advancements of the supermarkets are responsible for increase of the sales of their products as well as setting various programs for the development of customer loyalty programs. Apart from that, self-service checkouts must be improved so that the customers are not facing any rush while shopping in the supermarkets. Tesco has improved their clubcards and other applications that help them in shopping at Tesco very easily[15]. Customized offers and discounts are set by the company to engage the shoppers to shop at Tesco. Aldi, Tesco, develops mobile applications so that customers can choose their products easily and can avail many benefits. New product development especially in terms of foods is the reason of changing patterns of the customers towards consumption of foods. The concept of e-retailing is also on demand that is responsible for attracting most of the youngsters. The youngsters are usually tech savvy and are focused to the latest trends of fashion on different items. Hence, the retailers are developing products according to the latest trends by keeping the price margin quite affordable. However, it can be said that different retailers across the world are focusing on global supply chain for seeking the benefits of lower cost in terms of agri-food supply chains[16]. The supermarket retail chains of United States of America are focusing on the just in time so that they can distribute the products to the customers in a proper time[17]. It can be concluded that American retailers such as Walmart, British retailer Tesco and German retailer Aldi are known for implementation of technologies by conducting a proper research on the customers of their areas of operations. The methods and the discounts are different from one country to another country. The food retailers are considered to as more focus to the demands and preferences of the customers. New food products along with customer service techniques are developed as per the choices and shopping patterns of the customers of their target markets. It can be said that supermarkets from all parts of the world are strongly agree about the fact of following the changing shopping patterns of the consumers of their target market in order to sustain in the target market. H 0 : The Supermarket giants rule the global retail industry H 1 : The Supermarket giants does not rule the global retail industry The big multinational supermarket retail giants rule global food and grocery markets. However, the importance of the independence groceries or the local retailers is considered as an important contributor of the economy of different countries. It can be said that the local grocers have a particular market share in many parts of the countries. The section will describe about the facts about the local grocery retailers of the world[18]. Local retailers in many undeveloped and developing countries are still preferred by huge customers in the rural areas. There is a sentiment that works behind the preference of choosing local groceries over big supermarkets. However, there are many advantages while shopping from a supermarket when compared to local grocery retailers, but the trust factor is more in the local shops than the big supermarkets. Apart from that, rural people rely on trust factor than other factors of price and availability of the goods. In the rural areas of different countries these things happen. On the contrary, the residents dwelling in the urban areas are focused to shop from the supermarket retail shops as they are price sensitive and the availability of the products are huge compared to the local retail shops[19]. There are many schemes and offers that the customers can avail while shopping from retail stores of Walmart, Tesco, Metcash, Coles, etc. There is a fact of going digital that is an area of top priority. It is seen that the supermarkets are going online in order to engage customers in the 24*7 shopping. They also provide extra discounts and offers in order to attract customer base. The huge varieties of products except groceries are a reason of threat for the local retailers. The different ranges of food products along with other daily requirement essential products are huge in number in terms of the quantity. Apart from that, the quality of the products in supermarkets is also high from that of the local retailers. It is the reason of the preference of the urban customers while shopping at the supermarkets[20]. To compete with the competitors, local retailers of many developed and developing countries like Germany, France, Malaysia, China, Japan, India, etc. are developing their operations in their target market. The target market of the local retailers is relatively very small compared to the big multinational retail stores. The strategies include lower price of the products. The most important is the use of the concept of convenience stores. The convenient stores are present in many local areas where consumers usually seek. Apart from the groceries items, the local grocery retailers are now storing different essential products that are required in the daily life of the consumers[21]. Research has showed that huge customer’s base is shifted towards the convenient store format of the local retailers. The element of trust factor is enhanced by the owner of the shops in order to convince them to buy goods from their shops. Technologies are also used by them in the operations of distribution maintain stocks in the stores, inventory level maintenance, etc. while maintaining the stock of the shop up to date. In conclusion, it can be mentioned that retail industry of Australia is increasing rapidly. However, the increment rate had been decreased compare to 2015. This is due to the reason that customers remain cautious about their spending during the whole year due to low level of income growth. People are becoming more inclined towards high quality products. Online retailing has become more important compare store retailing. Customers have become more concern about hygienic products. Omni channel marketing has become important part of marketing technique used in retail market. Companies like Coles, Woolworths and Wesfarmers have incorporated this strategy to enhance their business performance. 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K., "Role Of Music On Perceived Price In Retail Stores" (2013) 43  Australian Journal of Marketing Winson, Anthony and Jin Young Choi, "Dietary Regimes And The Nutrition Transition: Bridging Disciplinary Domains" [2016]  Agriculture and Human Values With a decade's experience in providing essay help,