Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Social Media as a tool for Surveillance and gaze How do people consume Essay

Online networking as an instrument for Surveillance and look How individuals devour and observe each other on SM stages and what are the results of such exercises - Essay Example Consequently given the remarkable member figures, projects, for example, MySpace and Twitter speak to key focuses for security work force looking for wrongdoing related knowledge (Andrejivic 2005, pp.479-497). Notwithstanding, for the general population, the chance of getting to city administrations and assets creatively fills in as a legitimization of the SNS and the aggregate observation motivating forces. Additionally, the dynamic progression of web-based social networking has progressively filled in as a premise of human strengthening in different manners. The Internet completely upgrades association in political exercises, grants people to cost-successfully share their belief systems, just as to right away, store information. Web based life can be named as enabling rather than the abuse of web conferencing, TV appears, and mobile phones by its purchasers. Basing on this discernment, changing the user’s duty from dormant to dynamic; reconnaissance makes possibilities for correspondence and looking for data as confirmed by Albrechtslund (2008, pp.1-1). Moreover, the Central Intelligent Agency (CIA) regularly depends on the SNS to offer reconnaissance administrations given its center and intuitive potential. Studies additionally show that the vast majority frequently depend on the web based life to make new companions. As revealed by Andrejivic (2005, pp.479-497), participatory reconnaissance has the possibility to go about as an instrument for checking friendship by evaluating the information shared by various clients on the web. Online networking additionally involves trading individual subtleties with others. Thus, sharing should not to be disdained, since the private information that individual’s share uncovers a phase of correspondence that doesn't overwhelmingly require

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rescale Test Scores by Using Sten Scores

Rescale Test Scores by Using Sten Scores Commonly so as to make simple examinations between people, test scores are rescaled. One such rescaling is to a ten point system. The result is called sten scores. The word sten is shaped by shortening the name standard ten. Subtleties of Sten Scores A sten scoring framework utilizes a ten point scale with an ordinary appropriation. This normalized scoring framework has a midpoint of 5.5. The sten scoring framework is ordinarily conveyed and afterward separated into ten sections by letting 0.5 standard deviations relate to each purpose of the scale. Our sten scores are limited by the accompanying numbers: - 2, - 1.5, - 1, - 0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0 Every one of these numbers can be thought of as z-scores in the standard ordinary distribution. The remaining tails of the circulation relate to the first and tenth sten scores. So not exactly - 2 relates to a score of 1, and more noteworthy than 2 compares to a score of ten. The accompanying rundown relates sten scores, standard typical score (or z-score), and the comparing percent of positioning: Sten scores of 1 have z-scores not exactly - 2 and comprise of the main 2.3% of positioned scores.Sten scores of 2 have z-scores more noteworthy than - 2 and not exactly - 1.5 and comprise of the following 4.4% of positioned scores.Sten scores of 3 have z-scores more prominent than - 1.5 and not exactly - 1 and comprise of the following 9.2% of positioned scores.Sten scores of 4 have z-scores more noteworthy than - 1 and not exactly - 0.5 and comprise of the following 15% of positioned scores.Sten scores of 5 have z-scores more prominent than - 0.5 and under 0 and comprise of the center 19.2% of positioned scores.Sten scores of 6 have z-scores more prominent than 0 and under 0.5 and comprise of the following 19.2% of positioned scores.Sten scores of 7 have z-scores more prominent than 0.5 and under 1 and comprise of the following 15% of positioned scores.Sten scores of 8 have z-scores more noteworthy than 1 and under 1.5 and comprise of the following 9.2% of positioned scores.Sten sc ores of 9 have z-scores more noteworthy than 1.5 and under 2 and comprise of the following 4.4% of positioned scores.Sten scores of 10 have z-scores more prominent than 2 and comprise of the last 2.3% of positioned scores. Employments of Sten Scores The sten scoring framework is utilized in some psychometric settings. The utilization of just ten scores limits little contrasts between different crude scores. For model, everybody with a crude score in the main 2.3% of all scores would be changed over into a sten score of 1. This would make the distinctions among these people undefined on the sten score scale. Speculation of Sten Scores There is no explanation that we should consistently utilize a ten point scale. There might be circumstances in which we would need to have useâ of more or less divisions in our scale. For model, we could: utilize a five-point scale, and allude to stafive scores.use a six-point scale, and allude to stasix scores.use a nine-point scale, and allude to stanine scores. Since nine and five are odd, there is a midpoint score in every one of these frameworks, not at all like the sten scoring framework.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Best Guided Meditation You Will Ever Need For A Fulfilled Life

Best Guided Meditation You Will Ever Need For A Fulfilled Life The rates of depression and anxiety all over the world are rising tremendously.This was confirmed by a professor of wellbeing at Warwick University. “Things are noting going completely well with this society of ours” he said.And he is right, if you take a moment to think about it, you would figure that most people are really not happy.We are constantly busy and working all day long such that we stress ourselves out completely, and this affects our body and mind.And the worst part of all this is that we can’t really not work, somehow, we just have to get on with our daily activity because our lives kind of depend on it.So how do we manage our stressful daily life and still manage to keep our body and mind in perfect condition? How do we manage the stress, anxiety and probably depression that we face every day?Research has shown that meditation can help us with all this.In the journal of psychiatry research, Georgetown University Medical center, researchers said people who practi ced meditation had sharply reduced stress hormone and inflammatory responses to a stressful situation, while those who took non meditation stress management courses had poor responses.This comes to show that meditation is one of the best coping mechanisms that exists for today’s stressful environment.There are different types of meditation, but first, what is meditation?WHAT IS MEDITATION?M?dit?ti?n i? an ?n?i?nt practice th?t i? believed t? have ?rigin?t?d from India several th?u??nd? ?f years ago. Thr?ugh?ut early history, th? practice w?? ?d??t?d b? n?ighb?ring ??untri?? qui?kl? ?nd formed a part ?f m?n? r?ligi?n? throughout the w?rld.The terminology u??d today to “meditate” w?? n?t introduced until the 12th ??ntur? AD, ??ming fr?m the L?tin w?rd “m?dit?tum”.M?dit?ti?n is ??id t? b? a ?r??ti?? wh?r? an individu?l f??u??? th?ir mind on a particular ?bj??t, th?ught or activity to achieve a mentally ?l??r ?nd ?m?ti?n?ll? ??lm state.M?dit?ti?n m?? be u??d to r?du?? ?tr???, ?nxi?t?, d??r???i?n, ?nd ??in as a ?tud? th?t w?? published b? a d??t?r Goyal M in 2014 tells us (Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-being: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis). It may b? d?n? whil? ?itting, r????ting a m?ntr?, and ?l??ing th? eyes in a qui?t ?nvir?nm?nt.Meditation t??hniqu?? have also b??n u??d by W??t?rn th??ri?? of ??un??ling and psychotherapy. R?l?x?ti?n training works toward ??hi?ving m?nt?l ?nd mu??l? r?l?x?ti?n t? reduce d?il? stresses.WH? D? W? EVEN B?TH?R T? M?DIT?T??Th? b?n?fit? of meditation ?r??ti??? ?r? n? ???r?t.The ?r??ti?? i? ?ft?n touted ?? a h?bit of highl? ?u?????ful (and h????) ????l?, recommended as a m??n? of coping with ?tr??? ?nd anxiety, and ?r?i??d ?? th? next-big-thing in mainstream w?lln???. And it’? not ju?t subjective. Th?u??nd? ?f studies have ?h?wn th? positive impact th?t m?dit?ting has ?n our h??lth and well-being.S? we ??uld ?l??? better: Sleep i?n’t just r?l?x?ti?n f?r eight h?ur? a dayâ€"it’s ????nti?l f?r ?ur ??gnitiv? functioning. M?dit?ti?n giv?? you all ??rt? ?f benefits, like ?nh?n??d REM ?l??? ?nd in?r????d levels of m?l?t?nin.H?l?? r?du?? ?tr???: A 2005 ?tud? ?t H?rv?rd M?di??l S?h??l found that m?dit?ti?n increases th? thi?kn??? ?f your ?r?fr?nt?l cortex, the area of your br?in ?????i?t?d with ?tt?nti?n ?nd ??lf-?w?r?n???, th?r?b? reducing ?tr???.S?lf-?w?r?n??? r??ulting t? Mindful Meals: R????r?h?r? ?t UC S?n Fr?n?i??? ?tudi?d a gr?u? of w?m?n to t??t if m?dit?ting ??uld ?r?v?nt ?v?r??ting. Th? scientists didn’t ?r???rib? any di?t, but in?t??d taught mindful ??ting, ?nd had participants m?dit?t? for thirt? minut?? a day. Results ?h?w?d th?? didn’t over eat ?ft?r m?dit?ti?n.R?du?? P?in ?nd H??l F??t?r: R?li?v? Pain b? Ch?nging Your Mind, Jon Kabat-Zinn, wh? h??d? up th? Center f?r Mindfuln??? in M?di?in? ?t Univ?r?it? ?f M?????hu??tt? M?di??l School, ?r?v?d b??k in the ‘80s that m?dit?ti?n ?nd mindfuln??? ??uld ?ignifi??ntl? improve pain ??m?t?m? and qu?lit? ?f lif? in ?hr?ni? ??in ??ti?nt?, ?v?n u? to f?ur ???r? l?t?r.So w? ??uld b??t anxiety: F??u?ing ?n ?ll th? t?rribl? thing? th?t might h????n t? u? but ?ft?n d?n’t! takes u? ?w?? fr?m th? ?r???nt, ?nd ??u??? our b?di?? a lot ?f stress. M?di?ti?n h?l?? t? r?du?? that thinking ?nd bring calmness.A COUPLE OF THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN MEDITATING Meditation is ?n art ?nd doing it requires ?kill.On?? ??u ??n learn it, it will start t? d?liv?r b?n?fit? t? ??ur mind ?nd b?d?. B?ing ?tr??? fr??, r?l?x?d ?nd happy ?b?ut ??ur??lf ?r? ?m?ng the benefits meditation ??n giv? ??u.But it d???n’t come th?t easy b???u?? it is diffi?ult to find f??u? during th? first stages ?f the learning process.On? ?f th? m?in ?ur????? of meditation i? t? find ????? with ??ur inn?r ??lf.When ??u d??id? t? ?r??ti?? thi? ?rt, h?r? ?r? ??m? f??t?r? that ??u should consider t? m?k? m?dit?ti?n easier for ??u:Assume th? ??rr??t ???tur?Posture is a very important thing th?t ??u should t?k? into consideration wh?n you m?dit?t?. It wouldn’t m?tt?r wh?th?r you sit ?n a chair ?r ?t?? ?r???-l?gg?d ?n th? floor wh?n you meditate.The im??rt?nt thing i? t? see to it that ??u ?r? relaxed with ??ur ??in? u?right ?nd ??ur h??d up.Do thi? with a th?ught that your head i? t?u?hing th? ?k?.M?dit?t? with ??ur eyes openA? a b?ginn?r, m?dit?ting with ??ur ???? ???n will ?ll?w ??u to b? m?r? ?w?r? of ??ur “?r???n??.”Your mind is m?r? likely t? drift ?w?? wh?n you m?dit?t? with ??ur ???? ?l???d. But if ??u feel th?t ?l??ing ??ur ???? while meditating i? m?r? effective for ??u, do it.Focus on ??ur ?r???n??G?tting f??u??d ?n ?ur??lv?? i? difficult to achieve in ?rdin?r? ?ir?um?t?n???.Wh?n m?dit?ting, you have t? ??? ?l??? ??t soft ?tt?nti?n t? th? part ?f ??ur b?ing which i? th? ??nt?r of ??ur awareness.For a ?t?rt, f??u? first ?n ??ur br??thing ?nd ?l?wl? ?hift ??ur consciousness to th? ??rt? ?f ??ur b?d? starting fr?m the f??t gr?du?ll? m?ving u?w?rd.C?unt your br??th t? ?t?? f??u??dS?ttling in a m?dit?tiv? mood i? di ffi?ult for ?t?rt?r?.In ?rd?r t? overcome the difficulty of crossing over t? th? meditative ?t?t?, tr? ??unting ??ur br??th in silence, fr?m one t? four again ?nd again.Thi? will h?l? you t? ?t?? f??u??d.D?n’t l?t ?m?ti?n? get in th? wayStrong ?m?ti?n? will k??? ??u ?truggling if ??u want t? m?dit?t?. L?t ??ur ?wn ??n??i?u?n??? ?r?v?nt ??ur mind fr?m ling?ring on th?ught? th?t trigg?r ?m?ti?n? ?u?h ?? ?ng?r, f??r ?nd ?h?m?.Let your ?r???nt moment be ???nt ?n f??u?ing solely ?n yourself.F??u? instead on th? ??rt? ?f your body th?t r???t? ?? ??u feel the ?m?ti?n, lik? th? ?qu??zing feeling you f??l ?n ??ur ?h??t when ??u g?t ?ngr?.M?dit?t? in ?il?n??Sil?n?? i? th? h??ling f??t?r that accompanies m?dit?ti?n. You ??nn?t fully relate with ??ur inn?r ??lf if you are di?tr??t?d by outer f??t?r?. Sil?n?? i? th? ??nditi?n th?t reconciles ??ur inn?r ?nd ?ut?r self.WH? IS M?DIT?TI?N M??NT FOR?Th? ?im?l? ?n?w?r i? th?t ?n?b?d? can m?dit?t?, m?dit?ti?n might have b??n l?ng attributed t? spirit uality, but ?n? doesn’t need to be ??iritu?l b?f?r? h? or ?h? can m?dit?t?.S?x, age, n?ti?n?lit?, r?ligi?n, previous ?x??ri?n??, ???i?l conditioning, g?n?ti? m?k?u? â€" these ?r? all unim??rt?nt. An??n? ??n l??rn t? m?dit?t?. You d?n’t h?v? to travel to the Him?l????, give u? ?ll your money, find a guru, ?r spend h?ur? ?v?r? d?? in ?n ??hr?m in ?rd?r t? l??rn m?dit?ti?n.F?rg?t ?n? id??? that you h?v? to b? r??ll? “spiritual” (whatever th?t means) t? ?r??ti?? meditation. You d?n’t need ?n? “inn?t? ?bilit?” to b? ?bl? t? meditate, any m?r? than ??u n??d special ??w?r? t? b? able to l??rn to ride a bike ?r t? use a ??m?ut?r.Some ????l? take m?r? n?tur?ll? t? m?dit?ti?n th?n others, but ?n??n? can d? it and benefit fr?m doing it.All it t?k?? i? a littl? ?ff?rt, ?nd th? conviction th?t some thing? are worth persevering with. S?m?tim?? your meditation ?r??ti?? will b? in?t?ntl? rewarding but other tim?? it will ?h?ll?ng? ??u.At those tim?? it’? b??t t? r?m?mb?r th?t wh?n ? ?u ?r? gr?wing flowers, th?r? i? ??m? digging ?nd w??ding t? b? done ?? w?ll.There ?r? many different t???? of meditation ?n? ??n d?, but we will only be t?lking about guided meditation.GUIDED MEDITATION Guid?d M?dit?ti?n i? in gr??t ??rt, a m?d?rn phenomenon. It is ?n easier way t? ?t?rt.The ?r??ti?? ?f m?dit?ti?n r?quir?? some dose ?f determination and will-power.In the past, ????l? th?t were int? meditation w?r? m?r? ??mmitt?d t? it, ?nd also h?d ?tr?ng ideals fu?lling th?ir m?tiv?ti?n. Th?ir lif? w?? simpler, with fewer di?tr??ti?n?.We liv? in v?r? different tim?? now. Our lif? i? busier. Will power i? a less ??mm?n ??r??n?l asset. Di?tr??ti?n? are ?v?r?wh?r?, ?nd m?dit?ti?n i? ?ft?n sought as a m??n? to d?v?l?? b?tt?r h??lth, ?nh?n?? ??rf?rm?n??, ?r im?r?v? ?n???lf.For these reasons, guid?d m?dit?ti?n ??n indeed b? a good w?? t? intr?du?? ??u t? th? practice. On?? you get th? h?ng ?f it, ?nd wish to t?k? your practice to th? n?xt l?v?l. It i? up t? ??u t? d??id? when ??u feel l ik? t?king thi? step.Guid?d M?dit?ti?n i? like ???king with a recipe.It’s a good w?? to ?t?rt, and you can eat the f??d you make lik? thi?.But once ??u und?r?t?nd the m?in principles and fl?v?ur?, ??u can ???k ??ur ?wn di?h.It will h?v? a diff?r?nt, uniqu? t??t?; it will b? t?il?r?d for ??u, and m?r? powerful.And then you will n?t w?nt t? u?? th? r??i?? ?n?m?r? â€" unless if ??u ?r? tr?ing a di?h ?f another ?ui?in?.How do I use guid?d meditation?Guid?d meditation u?u?ll? comes in th? form ?f audio (fil?, ??d???t, CD), ?nd sometimes ?udi? ?nd vid??.You will find that any guid?d m?dit?ti?n will f?ll in ?n? of b?l?w ??t?g?ri?? (with ??m? ?v?rl??, obviously).Tr?diti?n?l M?dit?ti?n?With these t???? ?f ?udi??, th? voice of th? t???h?r i? ?im?l? there to “illu?tr?t?” ?r “guid?” the w?? f?r your ?tt?nti?n, in ?rd?r t? be in a m?dit?tiv? ?t?t?; there i? m?r? silence than v?i?? in it, ?nd ?ft?n n? music.Ex?m?l?? are th? ?n?? ?ff?r?d by Thi?h Nh?t H?nh ?nd T?r? Br??h, whi?h ?r? r??t? d in authentic Buddhi?t ?r??ti???. The purpose i? to d?v?l?? and d????n the ?r??ti?? it??lf, with ?ll the b?n?fit? th?t come with it.Guid?d Im?g?r?Makes u?? of the im?gin?ti?n and visualization ??w?r? ?f th? brain, guiding ??u t? imagine an ?bj??t, ?ntit?, ???n?r? ?r journey. Th? ?ur???? i? usually h??ling ?r relaxation.R?l?x?ti?n Body S??n?This helps ??u ??hi?v? a deep relaxation in your wh?l? b?d?. It’s usually ????m??ni?d b? soothing instrumental mu?i? ?r n?tur? sounds. In Y?g? these ?r? ??ll?d ??g? nidr?. Th? purpose i? r?l?x?ti?n and ??lmn???.Affirm?ti?n?U?u?ll? coupled with r?l?x?ti?n ?nd guided imagery, th? purpose of th??? meditations is to im?rint a m????g? in your mind.Binaural B??t?Bin?ur?l b??t? w?r? ?rigin?ll? di???v?r?d in 1839 by ?h??i?i?t H?inri?h Wilh?lm Dove.He di???v?r?d when ?ign?l? ?f two diff?r?nt frequencies are presented ????r?t?l?, one t? ???h ??r, your brain detects the ?h??? variation b?tw??n th? fr?qu?n?i?? ?nd tri?? t? r???n?il? that diff?r?n??.Thi? i s used to generate ?l?h? waves (10 Hz), whi?h i? th? brain w?v? associated with initi?l l?v?l? ?f meditation. Th?r? i? ??i?ntifi? r????r?h int? wh? ?nd h?w bin?ur?l beats w?rk.While they ?ll have their m?rit?, it is the fir?t t??? th?t most n?tur?ll? ?v?lv?? int? individu?l unguided ?r??ti??.H?r?? wh?t you want in a guid?d m?dit?ti?n f?r b?ginn?r? Sim?l?It? ????ibl? to have a l?t of ??m?l?xit?, or at least ??nfu?i?n, in a guided m?dit?ti?n. There ?r? ?? m?n? different ?t?l?? ?nd ???r???h?? th?t it? ???? t? g?t ?v?rwh?lm?d.S? the b??t thing t? ?t?rt with i? ?n ???r???h th?t is ?? simple ?nd straightforward as possible: ?it up straight, in a qui?t area, ?l??? your ????, ?nd focus ?n ??ur breath.S?und? simple, right? While it i? a ?im?l? approach, it i?nt easy, ?nd th?t? th? ??int, that its ??m?thing th?t ??u can ?r??ti?? ?nd g?t b?tt?r ?t ?v?r tim? (note: ??ull g?t b?tt?r, but youll n?v?r ??rf??t it, whi?h i? wh? itll w?rk f?r so long g?ing f?rw?rd).U?? a guid?d m?dit?ti?n that h?? yo u focused ?n ??ur br??th ?nd nothing more.ShortTheres a l?t ?f emphasis ?n how l?ng ??u ??n m?dit?t? for. But when youre first ?t?rting, it? r??ll? really h?rd t? d? meditation f?r any l?ngth ?f tim?.S? th? k?? i? to ?t?rt small. How ?m?ll? Two minutes is a gr??t starting point.Is it ?n?ugh t? dr??ti??ll? change your life right ?w??? Pr?b?bl? n?t, but th?t? n?t the ??int. Th? ??int is that because its so hard, ??u n??d t? start ?m?ll. Focus l??? on how l?ng ??ur meditation session is, and f??u? m?r? on m?king it a d?il? h?bit.Starting ?m?ll is th? k??, ?nd a g??d guided m?dit?ti?n will h?v? a very ?h?rt v?r?i?n available.Sm?ll in?r?m?nt?In th? ??m? way th?t ??u ?t?rt ?m?ll, ??u ?l?? w?nt t? increase your m?dit?ti?n tim?? b? ?m?ll in?r?m?nt?. Instead ?f jum?ing t? 5, 10 ?r 20 minutes ?ft?r you feel ??u have 2 minutes d?wn, g? t? 4 minut?? th?n 6, 8 and th?n 10. Th?r?? no rush ?r hurr?. Onl? change tim?? once you f??l more th?n comfortable to d? so. In ?dditi?n, h?ving a guid?d medita tion that ?ff?r? th??? gr?du?l increases i? ?ru?i?l.HOW GUIDED MEDITATION WORKSGuid?d m?dit?ti?n i? ?n ?xtr?m?l? ??w?rful w?? of ?li?iting ?h?ng? in ??ur lif?, due t? the nature ?f the way the br?in w?rk?.When ??u ?x??ri?n?? ??m?thing in r??l life ??ur br?in ?h?ng?? it? n?ur?l pathways, and ?????? on thi? inf?rm?ti?n to ??ur ?ub??n??i?u? mind to store f?r futur? u??.F?r ?x?m?l? if you wanted t? b???m? gr??t ?t l??rning l?ngu?g??, ??ur br?in h?? ?lr??d? ?t?r?d ?r?vi?u? ?x??ri?n??? ?f ??u tr?ing t? l??rn a l?ngu?g?.If the ?x??ri?n?? was g??d you will b? b?tt?r ?t l??rning, if your ?x??ri?n?? w?? b?d, the chances ?r? it will b? very difficult t? l??rn a n?w l?ngu?g?.Wh?t guid?d meditation h?l?? t? d? is r??r?gr?m ??ur mind b? directly ??????ing your subconscious mind and give it a n?w, better ?x??ri?n??.Y?ur br?in does not di?tingui?h b?tw??n a r??l event ?nd an im?gin?d ?v?nt. So if ??u im?gin? something in ??ur mind, your br?in t?k?? it th?t ??uv? actually ?x??ri?n??d wh?t you w?r? i magining ?nd forms new n?ur?l ??thw??? t? b? ?t?r?d for future use.Wh?t guid?d m?dit?ti?n d??? i? giv? ??u a new ?nd b?tt?r experience b? h?ving a narrator guide ??u thr?ugh a ???n? in ??ur mind. Th??? scenes are ?lw??? ???itiv? and will ?h?ng? ??ur br?in’? n?ur?l ??thw??? to install a gr??t ?x??ri?n?? for ??u.SESSIONS OF A GOOD GUIDED MEDITATIONR?l?xing Meditative S???i?nIn th? first section ??u will b? given a ??m?l?t? mind and body relaxation session.Thi? will help ??u to reach the meditative ?t?t? required t? ?????? your subconscious mind.Visualization D????n?r S???i?nThis ????i?n will guid?d ??u through a beautiful ???n? in order to strengthen ??ur vi?u?liz?ti?n ?kill?.It will ?l?? allow ??u t? g? d????r int? the m?dit?tiv? ?t?t? in ?r???r?ti?n f?r the n?xt ????i?n.Lif? G??l S???i?nThe last session is wh?r? you will be guid?d thr?ugh a specific scene in ?rd?r t? r???h a d??ir?d g??l in ??ur life.It is h?r? that th? m?gi? r??ll? h????n?, ?nd depending on ??ur goal, ??u will ?t ?rt to ??? r??ult? within a f?w d???.BEST GUIDED MEDITATION YOU WILL EVER NEED FOR A FULFILLED LIFE MEDITATIONDO YOGA WITH MENumber ?f tr??k?: 30Meditation ?t?l??: Loving kindn???, mindfulness, r?l?x?ti?n, ?l???, h??ling, ?nd ?hildr?n.L?ngth: 9 t? 60 minut?? (?v?r?g? 20 minut??).Download: Y??, paid.F?r their collection ?f fr?? ??g? ?l??? videos click Hip Flexor HeavenAl?ng with ??g? videos ?h??k out ??m? stretching routines here, th?? also h?v? a gr??t library of guided m?dit?ti?n tr??k? t??. There’s a wid? r?ng? of styles ?nd high qu?lit? recordings f?r ??u to div? into. Namaste!THE FREE MINDFULNESS PROJECTNumb?r ?f tr??k?: 30M?dit?ti?n ?t?l??: Mindfuln???, h??ling, gratitude, b?d? ???n, m?ving.L?ngth: 3 t? 45 min (?v?r?g? 20 minut??)Download: Yes, download ?nl? (free)Ag?in, m?n? diff?r?nt t???? ?f mindfulness meditation b? various t???h?r?. All tr??k? ?r? free t? download ?nd distribute n?n-??mm?r?i?ll?, which is really cool.One ?light d?wnf?ll is that it d???n’t ???m to b? po ssible to listen to th? m?dit?ti?n tracks ?nlin? â€" ??u h?v? to d?wnl??d them. It ju?t m?k?? ?r?vi?wing the ?udi? slightly more difficult, but it’s r??ll? n?t a big d??l.It’? ?till a solid r???ur??.CHOPRA CENTRED LIFESTYLENumb?r ?f tr??k?: 16Meditation ?t?l??: Mindfuln???, h??ling, gratitude, sleep.Length: 5 t? 60 minutes (?v?r?g? 15 minutes).D?wnl??d: Yep, fr??.Th? Ch??r? ??ntr? is th? br?in?hild ?f D????k Ch??r? ?nd D?vid Sim?n, two MDs with the g??l ?f im?r?ving th? h??lth and w?llb?ing ?f b?d?, mind ?nd ??irit.Am?ng?t other things, the ?it? h??t? a wid? r?ng? ?f meditation ?t?l?? with high quality audio.Th? dud? wh? guid?? ??u through the meditation ??ri?t has a d??? gr?v?ll? v?i??, but ??u get u??d to it after a whil?…UCLA MEDITATIONNumb?r ?f tracks: 8M?dit?ti?n styles: L?ving kindn???, mindfuln???, sleep.Length: 3 â€" 12 minut??.Download: Yes, fr??.Sim?l? ?nd ?l??r: Most m?dit?ti?n? tracks ?r? ?r?tt? ?h?rt, but that’s ideal for b?ginn?r? wh? ?r? ju?t g?tting int? form ing the meditation habit.A side note: It’? really ???l to see univ?r?iti?? recognising th? b?n?fit? ?f meditation and mindfulness! D?finit?l? a ?t?? in th? right dir??ti?nFRAGRANT HEARTNumb?r of tr??k?: 50M?dit?ti?n ?t?l??: L?ving kindn???, mindfuln???, f?rgiv?n???, ?l???, m?ntr?, healing, ?hildr?n.L?ngth: 1 â€" 30 minutes (?v?r?g? 15 minutes).Download: Yes, paid.The tracks ?r? ????r?t?d int? clear ??t?g?ri??, with l?t? of different ?t?l??. Each m?dit?ti?n i? available with ?r without b??kgr?und music t??, whi?h i? a ni?? touch.S?m? tr??k? ?r? ?? ?h?rt as a minut?, whi?h i? gr??t for b?ginn?r?, and th?? ?l?? ?r?vid? a fr?? guid?d m?dit?ti?n course t??.TARA BRACHNumb?r ?f tr??k?: 100+M?dit?ti?n ?t?l??: L?ving kindn???, mindfulness, f?rgiv?n???, sleep.L?ngth: 10 â€" 40 minut??. (?v?r?g? 25 minut??).D?wnl??d: Y??, free.T?r? h?? a massive libr?r? ?f ?t l???t a hundred guided m?dit?ti?n tr??k? t? keep ??u going, various ?t?l??, with a n?w one added ???h week.Th? site is really u??r-fri ?ndl?, ?nd the tr??k? ?r? ?ll good quality t??. N? mu?i?, just a calming v?i?? guiding you through.Nice ?nd ?im?l?.MEDITATION OASISNumb?r of tr??k?: 50Meditation ?t?l??: Mindfulness, r?l?x?ti?n, h??ling, loving kindn???, ?l???.Length: 8 t? 25 minut?? (average 18 minut??).Download: Y??, free.On? of the most ???ul?r meditation podcast ?n iTunes right n?w.It’? n?t u?d?t?d ?ll th?t regularly, but there’s still ?l?nt? ?f episodes in the catalogue to w?rk ??ur w?? through.Ag?in, there’s a wide v?ri?t? ?f meditation styles ?v?il?bl?. Th? ‘h??lth? b?d?’ meditation is a g??d ?n? to w?rk u? to.THE MEDITATION PODCASTNumber ?f tr??k?: 28Meditation ?t?l??: Mindfuln???, r?l?x?ti?n, healing, grief, ?l???.Length: 8 to 25 minut?? (?v?r?g? 20 minut??)D?wnl??d: Y??, fr??An?th?r great podcast with l?t? ?f diff?r?nt m?dit?ti?n ?t?l?? t? choose fr?m, ?nd ?ll ?r? fr?? t? download.H??d?h?n?? are recommended wh?n li?t?ning, b???u?? th? tr??k? ?r? layered over binaural b??t?, whi?h ?ff??t ??ur br?i nw?v?? ?nd m?k? you ?xtr? mindful.Gr??v?.AUDIO DHARMANumb?r of tr??k?: 40M?dit?ti?n styles: Mindfuln???, r?l?x?ti?n, l?ving kindn???, b?d? ???n.L?ngth: 5 to 50 minut?? (?v?r?g? 20 minut??)D?wnl??d: Yes, fr??Audi? Dh?rm? i? a massive resource, with around forty fr?? guid?d m?dit?ti?n? ?v?il?bl? fr?m a v?ri?t? ?f t???h?r?, ?? w?ll as a ?h?d load ?f int?r??ting t?lk? and vid??? on mindfuln???.They also h?v? a pretty g??d ??d???t, if ??u’r? a f?n ?f li?t?ning ?n th? m?v?.W?ll worth ?h??king ?ut if ??u r??ll? want to dig int? m?n? diff?r?nt m?dit?ti?n styles, ?nd t?k? your mindfuln??? game to the n?xt l?v?l.CALMNumb?r of tr??k?: 5M?dit?ti?n ?t?l??: Mindfulness, calming.L?ngth: 5 t? 20 minutesDownload: Yes (on m?bil?)C?lm.??m i? a bit different t? th? r??t ?f th? ?it??.You ??n ?ith?r ?h???? th? simple guided m?dit?ti?n? (which r?ng? fr?m 2 t? 20 minut??) ?r g? ??l? ?nd use th? m?dit?ti?n timer. Y?u also get to select your b??kgr?und n?i?? fr?m a range ?f n?tur?l ?nvir?nm?nt?.C?lm i? ?v? il?bl? ?nlin?, ?r ?? ?n ??? for your Apple ?r Andr?id d?vi???.HEADSPACENumb?r of tr??k?: 10 (100? in ??id version)Meditation ?t?l??: Mindfuln???, r?l?x?ti?n, loving kindn???, b?d? ???n, ?tr???, anxiety, productivity, healing.L?ngth: 10 minutes (10 â€" 60 minutes in paid v?r?i?n)Download: Y??D?v?l???d b? f?rm?r buddhi?t m?nk Andy Puddi??mb?, ?nd hi? bu?in??? ??rtn?r Ri?h Pi?r??n, Headspace i? the m?dit?ti?n ??? ?nd w?b?it? taking th? mindfuln??? w?rld b? storm.Th? t?n d?? ‘Take T?n’ ??ri?? i? free to tr? ?ut, but ?ft?r th?t it’? a ???rl? subscription f??.DHARMA SEEDNumb?r ?f tracks: 1000?Meditation ?t?l??: Ev?r?thing.Length: 5 t? 120 minutesDownload: Y??, freeIt’? ?n in?r?dibl? r???ur??, with lit?r?ll? th?u??nd? free guid?d m?dit?ti?n tracks ?nd talks fr?m teachers fr?m ?ll around th? w?rld.I’v? n?t d?lv?d t?? deep int? th? libr?r? ??t, but from wh?t I’ve h??rd ?? far, it’s a gr??t site with a ?h?d l??d of u??ful content.FR?? MINDFULN??? A??? OF GUID?D M?DIT?TI?N W?RTH? ?F Y?UR ATT?NTI?N1) In?ight Tim?rAvailable for iOS and Andr?idIn?ight Timer i? ?n? ?f th? most popular fr?? m?dit?ti?n apps out th?r?, ?nd it’s ???? t? ??? why. The ??? f??tur?? m?r? than 4,000 guid?d m?dit?ti?n? fr?m ?v?r 1,000 teachersâ€"on t??i?? like ??lf-??m????i?n, nature, and ?tr???â€"?lu? t?lk? ?nd ??d???t?. If ??u prefer a quieter m?dit?ti?n, you can always ??t a tim?r ?nd m?dit?t? t? int?rmitt?nt b?ll? ?r ??lming ?mbi?nt n?i??.Right fr?m th? b?ginning, the ??? feels lik? a ??mmunit?; th? h?m? screen ?nn?un???, “3,045 meditating right n?w / Home to 1,754,800 m?dit?t?r?.” Aft?r ??u fini?h a meditation, ??u’ll learn ?x??tl? how m?n? ????l? w?r? m?dit?ting “with ??u” during that tim?; b? ??tting ??ur l???ti?n, ??u ??n even ??? m?dit?t?r? n??rb? ?nd what th??’r? listening to.D???it? it? ?xt?n?iv? ??ll??ti?n, In?ight Tim?r d???n’t ?h?w ??u a list ?f t???h?r?â€"whi?h w?uld b? h?l?ful, especially since they feature ?x??rt? like J??k K?rnfi?ld, Tara Brach, ?nd Sh?r ?n Salzberg. And Insight Timer d???n’t r???mm?nd ?t??-b?-?t?? ??qu?n??? of m?dit?ti?n? to f?ll?w; it’? m?r? lik? a buffet. But these dr?wb??k? h?rdl? m?tt?r in th? f??? ?f ?ll th? t?m?ting ?h?i???.2) AuraAv?il?bl? f?r iOS ?nd AndroidAur? is a m?dit?ti?n ??? with a ?im?l? ?r?mi??: Ev?r? d??, you g?t a new, ??r??n?liz?d, thr??-minut? m?dit?ti?n. Th? ??m? m?dit?ti?n n?v?r r????t?; ????rding t? ??f?und?r Daniel L??, Aur?’? t???h?r? are constantly recording n?w tr??k?.To personalize the experience, Aura initi?ll? asks ?b?ut ??ur ?g? ?nd how stressed, ??timi?ti?, and int?r??t?d in mindfuln??? you ?r?. The daily m?dit?ti?n that ?????r? ?l?? d???nd? ?n your m??d: If ??u’r? feeling gr??t, Aur? might ?ugg??t “Y?ur Brilli?nt H??rt;” ??l??t ?tr????d, ?nd you might get “Y?u H?v? th? P?w?r.” If you lik? the d??’? m?dit?ti?n, ??u can ??v? it to your library for l?t?r li?t?ning.Aur? ?l?im? t? t?rg?t ?tr???, ?nxi?t?, ?nd d??r???i?n. If a ?h?rt m?dit?ti?n i?n’t enough, you ??n als o li?t?n t? relaxing ??und? ?r try their Mindful Breather f??tur?, wh?r? ??u ??n?hr?niz? ??ur breath t? ?n animated ?ir?l? that g?ntl? ?x??nd? and ??ntr??t?â€"?ur?ri?ingl? ?ff??tiv?. Th? h?m? screen ?n??ur?g?? ??u t? j?t down ??m?thing ??u’r? grateful f?r, another tool f?r w?ll-b?ing.Aura i? straightforward ?nd sparse, but th?t’? ??rt of th? b??ut?. Particularly if ??u’r? ju?t g?tting started, ?r ??u d?n’t h?v? l?t? of tim? to meditate, th? ?im?li?it? of ?n? m?dit?ti?n a d?? ??uld b? just wh?t ??u n??d.3) OmvanaAvailable f?r iOS ?nd Andr?idSl??k ?nd im?g?-h??v?, Omv?n? i? a b??utiful m?dit?ti?n app ?r??t?d by ??r??n?l growth company Mindv?ll??. It? libr?r? ??nt?in? th?u??nd? ?f meditations, ?nd about 75 of th??? are fr??, fr?m “L???r Focus” t? “C?t’? Purr.”A???rding to ??f?und?r Vi?h?n L?khi?ni, ?b?ut 50,000 people ?r?und th? world meditate to their popular “6 Ph??? M?dit?ti?n” every m?rning, which i? r???mm?nd?d f?r intermediate ?r??titi?n?r?. (B?ginn?r? ?r? ? n??ur?g?d to start with an eight-minute “D?? 1” ????i?n.) The “6 Ph??? Meditation” guid?? you through different practices ?v?r th? ??ur?? ?f 20 minut??, including f?rgiv?n???, gr?titud?, ?nd connection.When you first d?wnl??d Omv?n?, ??ur libr?r? in?lud?? ?b?ut 10 m?dit?ti?n?; to add m?r?, it’? n??????r? to n?vig?t? ?v?r t? the ?t?r?, and th?n ?li?k ?n Top Tr??k? Fr?? ?r C?t?g?ri?? All fr??. On?? ??u find a m?dit?ti?n ??u like, clicking the “Free” butt?n will ?dd the track t? your library.Like In?ight Timer, Omv?n? i? m?r? of a grab b?g th?n a guid?d learning ?x??ri?n??. And mu?h ?f its libr?r? is ?ff-limit? t? the fr?? u??r. But if you’re l??king for a ??lid m?rning meditation, ?r ??u’r? ?v?rwh?lm?d by all th? ?h?i?? ?n In?ight Tim?r, you might ?nj?? Omvana.4) St??, Breathe ThinkAvailable f?r iOS ?nd AndroidIf ?th?r meditation ???? expect ??u t? div? right in, St??, Breathe Think w?nt? to help you g?t acquainted with mindfulness first. A section called L??rn t o M?dit?t? ?x?l?in? what mindfuln??? is, wh? it’? beneficial, ?nd wh?t to ?x???t wh?n ??u ?r??? ?l?? on ??ur fir?t tr??k. It ?v?n ??v?r? ??m? of th? n?ur???i?n?? ?f mindfulness ?nd th? physiology ?f ?tr???, in ???? you’re ?till ?k??ti??l.Th?n, it’? time t? g?t started. Stop, Br??th? Think f??tur?? n??rl? 30 fr?? sessions, many ?f whi?h ??m? in different lengths (?nd different v?i???â€"fr?m ?l??id J?mi? t? fri?ndl? Gr????). M??t of th?m ?r? short, u? to 11 minut??, ?nd ??u ??n ?h???? to w?rk ?r?und themes lik? Br??th?, C?nn??t with Y?ur Body, ?r B? Kind. Or, ?im?l? ??t a m?dit?ti?n tim?r and find calm ?mid th? ?il?n?? ?r r?l?xing f?r??t sounds.A ?r?gr??? page keeps track of h?w m?n? days you’ve m?dit?t?d in a r?w ?nd ??ur ?m?ti?n?, which ??u ??n record b?f?r? ?nd after ???h m?dit?ti?n. Plus, ??u can earn cute stickers: A? a n?wbi?, I’v? ??ll??t?d “G??d Start” ?nd “Tick T??k ?f Pr???n??.” St??, Br??th? Think i? ideal f?r ????l? who need ??m? m?r? structure ?nd m?ti v?ti?n t? jum??t?rt th?ir meditation h?bit.5) C?lmAv?il?bl? f?r iOS ?nd Andr?idThe m?m?nt ??u open th? C?lm ???, ??u might f??l a sense ?f…??lm. R?l?xing sounds ?f falling r?in ?l?? ?ut?m?ti??ll? in th? b??kgr?und, but ??u could ?l?? opt t? b? greeted by a ?r??kling fireplace, ?ri?k?t?, or something ??ll?d “??l??ti?l whit? n?i??.”Th? r?l?x?ti?n ??ntinu?? with Calm’s fr?? meditations, a ?m?ll?r selection th?n ??v?r?l of th? apps ?b?v?â€"16 in t?t?l, some ?f whi?h ??m? in diff?r?nt l?ngth?, fr?m 3-30 minutes. Y?u ??n start ?ff with 7 Days ?f Calm, or tr? th?ir sessions ?n L?ving-Kindn???, Forgiveness, or th? B?d? Scan. Plus, lik? m?n? ?th?r ????, ??u ??n ??t a timer for ?il?nt m?dit?ti?n ?r m?dit?t? t? int?rmitt?nt b?ll?. F?r night-tim? r?l?x?ti?n, Calm features f?ur fr?? “sleep stories”: b?dtim? ?t?ri?? for ?dult? ?n ?v?r?thing from science fiction to scenic l?nd?????? t? h?l? ??u tr?n?iti?n int? ?lumb?r.Unf?rtun?t?l?, ??m? of th? most int?r??ting-??unding sessions, lik? C?mmuting ?nd Emergency C?lm, ?r? l??k?d unl??? ??u ?ub??rib?. (Calm’s ?ub??ri?ti?n ???t? $4.99 per m?nth wh?n you buy a ???râ€"?n? ?f the ?h?????t ?ut there if ??u d??id? to make the investment.)CONCLUSIONEv?r??n? needs guid?n?? in meditation wh?th?r you ?it in fr?nt ?f th? teacher in a gr?u? whil? th?? give ??u instructions or wh?th?r ??u get instructions fir?t ?nd th?n go ?w?? t? meditate.It i? im??rt?nt t? kn?w ?x??tl? what ??u’r? d?ing and wh? ??u ?r? d?ing it.Within most of th? ???t?rn wi?d?m traditions, h?ving a teacher w?? vit?ll? im??rt?nt to g?t the ?r???r guidance fr?m ??m??n? wh? h?d experienced th? various l?v?l? ?f meditative realisation and th?r?f?r? kn?w wh?t t? tell ????l? ?b?ut th?m.It i? im??rt?nt t? find a teacher wh? h?? ??tu?l ?x??ri?n?? f?r themselves ?nd not just ?tudi?d th? b??k? of f?rm?r m??t?r?.Ju?t lik? if you w?nt t? vi?it a ??untr? th?t you h?d n?v?r been to b?f?r?, th? b??t ??r??n t? guid? ??u would b? someone who frequently tr?v?ll?d th?r? themse lves ?nd h?d ?xt?n?iv? kn?wl?dg? ?f the ?l???.This i? wh? guid?d meditation has been ?? successful over th? years, th?? serve ?? guid?? ?? ??u d?n’t w?lk ?l?n?.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Genetically Modified Organism Benefits Humanity and Environment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 537 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/02/14 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: GMO Essay Did you like this example? It might sound like a thing. But, it really is a process by which we create new hybrid varieties of plant to get desired genetic traits to make farming process more sustainable. we have been modifying organisms ever since dawn of agriculture for over ten thousand years. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Genetically Modified Organism: Benefits Humanity and Environment" essay for you Create order as we evolved our food has evolved. Mendel discovered genetic basis of inheritance. farmers started mixing two species through grafting. Genetic engineering is more modern term been out there for forty years now and we are using it in cheeses, medicines and crops. GMOs are the best efficient tool farmers have that helps protect and preserve water, land, air and to limit the climate change. also, it’s safe for human and animal consumption. Let’s explore some of the benefits of GMOs through the sources below; This research paper shows data and statistic collected from us and around the world to explain GMOs are one tool that can improve crop yields by allowing fewer acres to produce the same amount of food. This can help save critical animal and plant, enhance biodiversity, ecosystem including forests, parks and pastures. Improved ecology through GMOs decreases insecticide use bt-crops are designed to allow important, beneficial bugs to thrive, including: bees, earthworms, butterflies, ladybugs etc. National Academies of sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. This consensus study report from national academies of sciences, engineering and medicine reaffirms GMO are safe for human consumption. over nine hundred studies and publications were examined. More than twenty researchers, scientists and agriculture experts over a two-year period reviewed animal and human studies, allergenicity testing; Based on health data over twenty plus year since GMO crops were introduced from north America and Europe. In Report- No substantiated evidence found for a difference in risks to human health between current GMO and conventionally bred crops. Objective of this research is to study the GMO impact on greenhouse emission and economy. It explains how GMO use less fossil fuel, reduce pesticide uses and tilling. Thus, produce less carbon dioxide and eco-friendly. Also, paper explains how GMO technology impacts price, supply and welfare and can bring positive outcome for the global economy. especially beneficial to both consumer and farmer in poor country as well as limit the effect of climate change. This summary report from Environment Protection Agency summarizes in Report that GMO crops with drought-resistance traits help them survive times of drought, reduce need for intensive irrigation. Conservation tillage made more possible, that help preserve most precious natural resource water. According to agency report drought and water scarcity is steadily rising since past forty-eight years and predicting significant increase in high-drought risk areas worldwide. To impede this GMOs are helping agriculture use less water and grow more drought tolerant plants. References: Brooks Graham and Barfoot Peter, GM crops: global socio-economic and environmental impacts 1996-2014. PG Economics, LTD.uk, 2016. Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/23395 Mahaffey, H., Taheripour, F. and Tyner, W. (2016) Evaluating the Economic and Environmental impacts of a Global GMO Ban. Journal of Environmental protection,7, 1522-1546. doi:10.4236/jep.2016.711127. SUMMARIES OF EPA WATER POLLUTION REPORTING CATEGORIES USED IN THE ATTAINS DATA SYSTEM. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 2016, www.epa.gov/ Report No. EPA841-R-16-003

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Different Ways Of Which Freedom Can Be Compatible With...

FINAL EXAM 1-Discuss the different ways in which freedom can be compatible with determinism. Answer: According to (Consider Ethics text book on page 224), Freedom and determinism can be compatible with Simple Compatibilism, which according to David Hume, he claimed that ‘’all the puzzles and disputes about free will result from sloppy and confused use of language. Therefore, if we think carefully, and avoid verbal entanglements, then free will is a simple and obvious matter, and all mankind both learned and ignorant, have always had same opinion about the nature and existence of free will. Therefore, David Hume in his argument on free will also added that ‘’By liberty (free will) we can only mean a power of acting or not acting according to determinations of the will, that is if we choose to remain at rest, we may, if we choose to move, we may also.’’ Therefore, this hypothetical liberty of David Hume according to (Consider Ethics textbook) is universally allowed to belong to anyone who is not prisoner or in chains. And so free will as David H ume claimed consists in having the power to act in accordance with your own will. Another aspect of Compatiblism of freedom to determinism, which we discussed in class with Professor Andrez was Soft compatible or Compatibilist. Soft Compatiblism seeks to belief that freewill are been predestined by God and can’t be taken away from us because it’s a destiny call whichShow MoreRelatedFree Will Vs. Determinism879 Words   |  4 PagesFree Will vs. Determinism What determines and influences human behavior? Humans have been looking the answer for this question during several eras, thus they developed various theories attempting to explain human behavior. Determinism is the belief that one event is the consequence of a previous action, similar to a chain. According to some philosophers who support determinism, the will of an agent follows physical laws, and every action is explicable and predictable by physical conditions. By thisRead MoreDeterminism And Its Effects On Society957 Words   |  4 PagesDeterminism claims that all events are inevitable to have certain results at the end, since conditions are met and nothing else would occur. And it could apply to everything in the universe with causal laws. With the discovering laws, we could make predictions. Over the years, there are more than one determinism been developed over time. Hard determinism claims all the actions of human beings or consequences of events are determined by external conditions, with such conditions satisfied there willRead MoreDeterminism, Soft Determinism And Libertarianism982 Words   |  4 PagesDeterminism supporters claim that all consequences are inevitable since conditions are met and nothing else would occur by any chances. And determinism could influence and controlling everything in the universe with causal laws. According to determinism, we could make predictions about the occurrences of certain events or actions of human beings. There three types of determinism that I will discuss in the following, the Hard determinism, Soft determinism and Libertarianism. Hard determinism claimsRead MoreThe Master Of Their Destiny1446 Words   |  6 PagesThere are many philological arguments for and against this notion of can one be the master of their destiny. The focus of this essay is to demonstrate how one can be the master of their destiny through a compatibilist point of view. It offers a point of view that states determinism is compatible with free will. Even though there are many arguments against this theory compatibilism offers people a alternative way of thinking, than that their life is already planned out for them out of their controlRead MoreFilm Analysis of Minority Report Essay968 Words   |  4 Pagesof man, what distinguishes him from animals is his freedom to choose between one course of action and another, his freedom to seek good and avoid evil. The animal has no freedom, but is determined by physical and biological laws; like a machine, the animal responds whenever the appropriate stimulus is present† (Bolles 1963, p.182 ). In Minority Report (2002) one of the main issues is free will versus determinism. Is there some point that people can and do change their mind while committing an act?Read MoreNot Freedom And Determinism Can Coexist1425 Words   |  6 Pageswhether or not freedom and determinism can coexist. The compatibilist believes that the events in one’s life can be predetermined while the individual can nevertheless have free will, while the incompatibilist believes that one must choose between free will or determinism as both cannot coexist. In this paper, I will argue that even though there may be some faults within the compatibilists ways of thinking, most of their arguments are reasonable assumptions that show that one’s actions can be of theirRead MoreEssay on One Way of Arguing Determinism is False1334 Words   |  6 Pagesour freedom is one that many people take for granted. However, if we consider it more closely it can be questioned. The thesis of determinism is th e view that every event or happening has a cause, and that causes guarantee their effects. Therefore given a cause, the event must occur and couldn’t occur in any other way than it did. Whereas, the thesis of freewill is the view that as human beings, regardless of a cause, we could have acted or willed to act differently than we did. Determinism thereforeRead MoreDeterminism Vs. Free Will1341 Words   |  6 PagesDeterminism is a doctrine suggesting that for every event there exist conditions that could cause no alternative event. Free will is a philosophical term describing a particular sort of capacity of rational agents to choose a course of action from among various alternatives. Understandably, the dichotomy between these two concepts is a topic philosophers have debated over for many years. As a result of these debates, a number of alternative philosophical perspectives arguing for the existence ofRead MoreCritically Examine the Claim That Free Will and Determinism Ar e Incompatible2069 Words   |  9 PagesCritically examine the claim that free will and determinism are incompatible One of the main questions that we face is whether or not, we as humans have genuine freedom. Are we free to make our own choices? Do we decide what happens in our lives in the future? Or are our lives set pathways in which we have no say at all? Are all our choices already decided? In other words, do we have free will or are our actions pre-determined, or both? Hard determinists, libertarians and soft determinists all setRead MoreHarry Frankfurt s Arguments For The Compatibilism Of Determinism And Freedom Of Will1578 Words   |  7 Pagesfor the compatibilism of determinism and freedom of will, as presented in Freedom of Will and the Concept of Person and some problems that arise with his reasoning. I will claim that those problems do not come from any propositions central to Frankfurt s argument, but rather from his neglect of the issue of the relationship between freedom of will and moral responsibility. I will argue, that Frankfurt makes an invalid implicit assumption that the connection between freedom and responsibility is biconditional

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Guide to the Perfect Date Free Essays

Kendra Okey The Guide to the Perfect Date Do you think the perfect date would be going to taco bell? Or how about White Castle? The perfect date, as we all know it to be, would not be either of those two places. The perfect date would be something that was heartfelt and was meant to impress your date. The three things that would make the date perfect would be the occasion of the date, the location for the date, and most importantly the gift that was appropriate for the occasion. We will write a custom essay sample on The Guide to the Perfect Date or any similar topic only for you Order Now First, impress your girlfriend/boyfriend by planning the date on a day that has a special meaning to you and your date. Yes, we all go on those little dates with our boyfriend/girlfriend, but the perfect date would be for an event that means something. A special occasion could be an anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or maybe even a proposal. The second thing that would make the date perfect would be the location of the date. For instance, if you were going out for an anniversary, you would not take your date to White Castle. You would probably take them to a nicer restaurant like Applebee’s or Olive Garden. On the other hand, if you were going to propose to your date, you would probably take them to a really fancy restaurant like Eagle’s Nest. The third, and most important thing to make a date perfect, would be the gift you get for your date. For example, if you were going out for your two year anniversary, you would probably get your date a card with a sweet little not inside and a bouquet of flowers. However, if you were going out for your two year anniversary, you would probably surprise her with a card, a bouquet of flowers, and box of chocolate, and maybe even â€Å"pop the question† by the end of the night. Now that you know a little about the perfect date, I hope you can impress your girlfriend/boyfriend on your next special occasion. Just remember the perfect date is a special date that is meant to impress your girlfriend/boyfriend. Make sure you take them on a special day, take them somewhere that is appropriate, and make sure you bring the perfect gift. If you do these things, you are sure to impress your date. How to cite The Guide to the Perfect Date, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Throughout the book, Night you... free essay sample

Throughout the book, Night you see Elie, his father, and other Jews be dehumanized. This includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, and the need to use hysterical strength. When the jews got treated like this it made them feel weak, useless, and unappreciated. One example of this was when the Kapos emotionally abused Elie along with others, in the novel it says, The Kapos were beating us again, I no longer felt the pain. (pg. 36). This statement expresses that Elie is emotionally drained, he no longer cared that he was getting beaten because he sees and feels it all the time. Another use of dehumanization in the story was the use of physical abuse. In the story if anyone acted out of order they would get whipped, I no longer felt anything except the lashes of the whip†¦ Only the first really hurt. sic (pg. 57) This expresses that because of how often he got beaten it never hurt or surprised him as much as it use to. We will write a custom essay sample on Throughout the book, Night you or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lastly you see the use of hysterical strength this is when a character uses extreme strength beyond what is believed to be normal, usually occurring when people are in life-and-death situations an example is found on page 94 stating, My whole desire to live became concentrated in my nails. I scratched, I fought for a breath of air. I tore at decaying flesh that did not respond. I could not free myself of that mass weighing down on my chest. Who knows? Was I struggling with a dead man? In this moment he went into survival mode and he didnt look back, all his energy was focused on trying to stay alive. This creates the Jews to turn on one another denying all they have been taught about love and equality. All Jews are shocked by the unspeakable tragedies and quickly look to instinct. This forces many to commit intolerable acts in order for one to survive, this results in a chilling disconnection from ones previous self. This includes; loss of compassion and hope, the vulnerability of the powerless, and a change of faith. As you live at the camp your attitude and mindset change toward people and the situations taking place around you, you start to wonder why this calamity is taking place or why god is abandoning you. One example of what the concentration camp makes of people is when some have a loss of compassion and hope. Elie uttered We were all going to die here. All limits had been passed. No one had any strength left. And again the night would be long. Chapter 7. This is an example of loss of compassion because it shows that his will to live is gone and he no longer feels like he will survive, he feels like the nights will be dragged on until the day he dies. Also shown in the novel is the vulnerability of the powerless, One day when we had come to a stop, a worker took a piece of bread out of his bag and threw it into a wagon. There was a stampede. Dozens of starving men fought desperately over a few crumbs. The worker watched the spectacle with great interest. (pg. 100). At the camp they are weak and defenseless because the powerful officers wont give them food they will fight to eat because eating meant staying alive. Last but not least, your faith would be heavily tested and altered your faith will fade and change Blessed be Gods name? Why, but why would I bless Him? Every fiber in me rebelled. Because He caused thousands of children to burn in His mass graves? page 67. The flames seemed to consume faith and burn each soul to ashes, their faith shifted because no one could understand why they pray to such a loving God but see hundreds die each day. Throughout the holocaust many lessons were learned and taken into consideration, elie wiesel spoke out about the wrong doings in the holocaust, he let the world know that its okay to speak out about substandard actions. His Nobel Prize speech sought to open many eyes to their responsibilities in a bad situation he first talked about the responsibility of memory,  ¨That I have tried to keep memory alive, that I have tried to fight those who would forget. Because if we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices. And then I explain to him how naive we were ¨ this is a big responsibility because without memory there is no culture and no future. He also talked about the responsibility to educate and not stay silent  ¨I swore never to be silent whenever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. ¨